
Who said working for free? There’s a pretty big difference between making a profit and getting paid a reasonable fee. After legal fees and the lawyers cut the plaintiff could see half their awards gone

That’s why they advertise on buses and benches, and chase ambulances at times.

I work in retail. I specifically deal with returns. Customer service people dealing with returns are frequently yelled at, treated like garbage, even assaulted. Each customer they deal with is also, in essence, a boss. These bosses will often try and get them in trouble because they do not get their way. These

yes, lawyers.

I don’t want to poo-poo their hard work.

You mean like when they say it in the trailers or write it on the screen half a dozen times?

Okay, know what? How about no more game trailers or screenshots, just leads to nonsense like this. No matter how many times they say “demo, might not look like this”, you still get people pissed because the sunlight is slightly redder. I can see these same people marching back into McDonald’s and throwing their Big

Yeah, I always start it manually, mostly because her schedule changes all the time and Ganesh forbid it goes off while she’s sleeping and wakes her up.

Dunno about that. What makes a person worthy to wield it? May just be self-importance.

Nope, she’s infertile with PCOS, it’s partly responsible for the hormonal issues and rage, and my lady parts don’t exactly work well either so we don’t plan on either of us having one.

I do and I love it, it’ll get around legs and under stuff pretty easily. Just wrap up your cords and block off any no go areas.  It’ll do 90% and you can tackle the spots it can’t handle every few weeks instead of weekly

He’s done pretty good, considering the diabeetus.

I was looking for the gif/video clip of him saying “No, I’m not dead yet”, but I couldn’t find it :(

Yeah, I’m not far off from how old my parents were last time I saw them, they were certainly younger than me when they had me, but I still feel like I’m college age, other than a few aches and pains and “those damn millennials”.

I’m constantly surprised he’s not dead yet. I also hope he’s doing well, but he was already old when I was a child.  Same with Betty White.  It’s kinda scary to think that we might be “old” for as long or longer than we’ve already lived.

I summered once in NC.  There were two kids near where I was staying named Ketchup and Mustard.

She’s been trying to get into a work sponsored program for a while, it’s a high stress job. While I’m far from being a typical woman and not exactly the cleanest person around, I think I can safely say that most of her stress is caused by her allowing herself to treat any minor thing as the end of the world. Just this

We’re both women actually.

I’m fine, I’ve learned CBT and I can rationalize where her behavior is coming from, it’s more of an annoyance for me and concern over what she’s doing to herself.

Honestly, we just need a dishwasher. Roomba stopped the floor arguments, a dishwasher will fix the dish issues. Trouble is, apartment won’t allow for one. A lot of arguments can be resolved with technology, hence the original “marital aid” :P