
America, hospital, surgical team. You expect it would cost less than $200k!?

Wife got one of those for her friends party, which she missed entirely.

In this day and age, just simple common courtesy can count for a lot. So kudos to these two stand-up guys, with the hope that they will inspire even more compassionate acts among strangers.

I like netflix recommendations, but not between episodes.

The point is that soon it won’t be.

I love Joel Veitch.

I believe the only change was that they won’t pay if you already have private coverage, in an effort to limit any damage the plan would have to private health insurance companies employment.

Ontario has a drug plan now, free drugs for 25 and under IIRC

Yes. Not everything is free. We pay for dental, glasses, prescription drugs (but they’re way cheaper because we buy bulk), medical devices, prosthetics, wheelchairs, assistive devices (though they’re often partly subsidized).

That’s why he acted surprised on the video, so he could try and avoid anyone thinking he was consciously brandishing

Firehouse is great. I usually need 2 footlongs at Subway to feel full.

Don’t talk shit about spongmonkeys.

Like a pizza place?

Forsaken’s great.

It’s doable, but I think in order to maintain quality delivery, they’d need to assemble it on the go. Anything crunchy would be soft and sticky by the time it was delivered.

I don’t really have a problem with teachers having a criminal background, provided it’s not a sex offense. I really hate knowing that someone can get fucked over by the system early in life and be stuck barely scraping by decades later for something minor or for something they had no actual involvement in.  I’m sure

what the hell excuse does an American teacher have for not knowing it?

they think he’s a tough guy who gets things done, but he’s a wuss, an asshole, and a criminal.

We just finished up the campaign on the weekend. Seen Uldren get eaten by a giant rectum was great. I did ask myself right away, who fired, just as Amanda Holliday did. Obviously Petra Venj did, since when you get back to Banshee-88 the gun’s broken and corroded, must have happened while Uldren was inside the giant