
LOL it’s true, but it’s more for her, she needs regular counseling because she doesn’t know how to properly deal with stress, which is compounded by hormonal issues that drive her to rage over nothing.

It is, and I tell her it is, then she gets upset and plays the victim and sulks, but she was raised under than behavior.

Oh it is. She complains 24/7 about the mess, but never dusts, almost never does the floors or the bathroom, freaks the fuck out if I spill a crumb somewhere (but it’s okay if she drops a bowl full of food).

Nope, nope, and nope. But since the density is questionable it’s a rough guess anyway. Point is, can you imagine the size of a truck that could carry even one million 1L bottles? 40,000 tons is battleship sized.

You’ll see both working in customer service.

Ahh true. The first couple of runs I caught a few snags too. I just gathered up the slack on the lamps and screwed the power bars into the tables and that took care of most of it, with a cable tie fixing up the rest. If not, just put a box or something in front of places you don’t want it to go. Totally worth the

Honestly, shell out for a Roomba.  We used to argue about the floors, now I just push a button.  She did yell at me for being so lazy about chores that I spent money on a robot though, but it does the job while other things are getting done.

Wait, you mean there’s an alternative to yelling, demanding the Mr drop whatever he’s doing and come and look at something tiny that was overlooked, then slam cupboards and bowls into the sink and loudly announce that you have to do everything over again?

Should that person be doing the dishes? Is that person content doing the dishes? Is he or she any good at doing the dishes? Does the person even have the time to do the dishes based on his or her life and career goals right now?

That’s right, go ICE, keep those satanists (and probably communists!) outta my country. USA! USA!

“write the wrongs of the world”

Wait, that large tower at the start, is that the contents of the tower?

Not far off

Nuclear Dawn. Got into the first match, non-stop spawn killing. 3 minutes was enough.

40,000 tons of cola? That’d be 40 million 1L bottles, assuming the density is close to water and my math is correct. 

Looks like they brought the wood with them and expected to have to use it.

While this sound callous, if this was going to happen, this happening at a sports game tournament may help with the whole “violent video games” nonsense.  If anything it strengthens the competition leading to violence theory.  Though, I’m sure he probably had a copy of Doom in his house somewhere the conservative

That happened up here neat Toronto a winter or two back.  I normally bike, but in the winter I’ll take the bus.  On this day, I said fuck it and walked.  Took me an hour, but traffic wasn’t moving.  I laughed most of the way, and even more then next day when I heard it took people 4-5 hours to go their normal 10-15

Munchie Boxes are great. Wish they had them here.