Looks too noisy
Looks too noisy
Mike Fahey is excited
Kill Confirmed and Rush have diluted my mind.
How impossible did it seem to kill a player?!
I pointed this out first though....
1G would kill a person? Please Goku trained in 100Gs and lived
Game of Thrones had an arrow to the knee aswell
This is a video game right?
"And there's dubstep. Of course." There isn't any Dubstep, its not even a matter of opinion, it's generic action music that you seen on most Film trailers etc
If I know Peter, I'd imagine he's thinking of creating a virtual living world, MMO's are limited to what their creators put in, that content cycles for each new player. I think he's aiming at creating something thats always dynamically changing, if a player does a quest and kills a boss, he doesn't respawn. Maybe his…
Same outfit as DMC3 cept, in DMC3 he has a bondage strap across his chest. Supergay? Puhleaase.
:D:D I hope so, it will be free (and ad free) but it's visually different to this Republique
I F****ing love Gamers!!
Ha what a fail, I was tearing up half way through the article and missed that!
And the most wounding part is me an my team have worked 12 hour days since January to create a small game that would be fun an different, and then a big name can stroll right in so easily.
The fact that I've been working on a game pretty much exactly like this but for mobile devices since January kills me inside :(
They have a point, action sells. Minority groups can cry all they want that they aren't getting their own way in terms of content but in the real world Studios everywhere are closing down, the market is getting more competitive and if companies are to survive they must accommodate the mass market.
The company "Comet" are sitting top to buy up GAME.