
Is it a video game if there is no gameplay?

Legendary is not the word I'd use to describe him. Well known games designer is much better.

DLC is the wrong term for this article, it's too broad. I think what you mean is you look forward to the next Expansion pack.

Is there a link to just the full html .jpg of this image? The expand function doesn't work for me :(

Oh that's nice and all, but PSN gives out 3 free games a month...

I'm struggling to see the problem here. Why shouldn't you be a contractor? Because being hired as a temporary worker doesn't always equal a full time job? Well, duh?

DVD's have a massive second hand market. I think eBay counts as a second hand market and anything on it, that's pretty big...

"When Mark from Kotaku AU first showed it to me" rings nicer then a double when.

I've been using this tech for ages now. The graphics card has little to do with this, its all about processing power. Theres about 20,000 globules in just the tank there alone. Imagine a river. 20,000,000 globules, probably more. Nothing short of a £2,000 machine will run that smoothly. The only impressive thing about

Reminds me of Thor from the Vice City Radio commercials

Explain to me how you work that out?

"It's likely the work of Russian hackers"

Now playing

It's always been advertised as CryEngine.
Check out the end of this trailer (2:39) for proof:

I think it was more of him poking fun at his deep well thought speech on freedom, and then slapping, "imagine if people had superpowers," on the end of it. It felt comical and out of place.

This video is much the same though, it's poking fun at the industry and how nonsensical it can seem but at the bottom of it all.

Greedy money grubbers that put 100s of hours of work into providing YOU with a service. How dare they.

looks uncomfortable, thumb sticks aren't supposed to be that close!

Doesn't mean they have to compliment each other either so that proves nothing.

I'm not insulted or alienated by the new DmC and I'm part of that established fanbase. How about you don't take the route of trying to pidgeon hole the DMC fanbase by ramming your shitty and unfounded opinions down other peoples throats and then claiming an entire fan base agrees.

Not even a mention of Small Arms? This game blatantly rips it off!

And how long ago was Smash Bros made? There's no excuse for no improvement.