
@pyromcr: That $60 goes towards more than nothing. For example, developers have to pay Sony for use of the PSN to put their games on whereas developers can use Xbox Live for their multiplayer games for pretty much free. The online is definately better quality. Your details are evidently safer with XBL. The stuff you

"It's rumoured that Nintendo's new machine is more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3, which will give it temporary superiority on the hardware front."

there is no such thing as a portable PS3

Does that look like the same size as an xbox or ps3?

I don't understand what you are trying to say

Too small to hold the required hardware to surpass the X360 and PS3


I think it will feature in Saints Row, its more known for its fun and outrageous gameplay. Mix that in with the face that the developer said it will be more crazy and fun than ever PLUS Saints Row 2 had some goofy items (Flyable UFO)

" The one thing I've learned about the internet that most 'hackers' are stupid script kiddies "

@oogabubchub: That is a very good point. But what does it matter to them how many people play one copy at a time. Its still a copy of the game being played. One purchase.

This can also be done on the Xbox, profiles that have bought a game are made to be offline always, then its a case of sign in with the purchase account, sign in with your account, hey presto free Arcade game. The interesting point about this article and these methods is, are we looking at theft here? Sharing a

@BURNZrox: Wear something trampy aswell. Please.

Photo Op!! : All the screens showing the scrolling matrix image, you sat in the chair with a headset on and a speechbubble saying "Operator".

Sadly fake, animation lapses, sound files from original game and the level coming from the corridor dream sequence from the first game. But a brilliantly put together mod, kudos to them.

as boring as watching CPU V CPU

Pre-orders in the UK are at £230. Use google to see how much that is in dollars. Now have sympathy.

Now playing

They also watched 2 girls 1 cup in the same session, ahh beta testers.