
@BeerManMike: How awesome is that logitech sound system for the PC, well worth its cheap price

Theres some Altair in my Brotherhood here!

@Bluestar2k9: they managed with the Mario 64 remake and that used roughly 9 buttons.

People need to stop thinking HD means new textures and rounded meshes. If you have ever played an Xbox Original on the 360 on a Widescreen TV you will notice the image displayed is square with the sides blacked out. HD means the resolution has been increased so it can be full frame on widescreen HD tvs etc. Also the

@The Sentient Meat: I'm pretty sure as you're rolling around like a fish out of the water, you're holding the DS so the screen faces you, just eat less sugar and you won't have the shakes problem. Its not a major flaw in the system

Holding the 3DS in one place isnt as hard as its made out to be, how often do you twist and turn your DS now?

Awww he has his own Medabot

Its impossible to guess the design teams age. They're either teenagers, or old men.

The Kinect even tracks you whilst filming your buddy. It never sleeps. Ever.

Where's the source? Is this a kotaku original?? Just outta interest not sarcasm btw.

He should have hired a team. One man making an entire game. No wonder it was destructive!

I'm gonna take this as a positive for video games. More and more they're becoming main stream. Arise from the caves children. This is our time...

@XtreemIkon: I hope awesome mcawesome reads this as it should set his mind at rest

@XtreemIkon: Hmm I never knew that. But they never said purchase only, the tweet says "After December 31, it's gone for good". That to me says, completely gone. If they don't have license rights how can they legally keep it on their servers, surely the dlc would have to transfer over to the new license holders?

@XtreemIkon: Really, try and re-download HexicHD. That used to be purchasable and even came with old Xbox Arcades but you can't redownload it anymore and its no longer available to buy. Where does it say theres a backup server? I think it says quite the opposite tbh. I'm sorry but I'd like to seem some proof and not

@Kobun: A poor argument? Don't be naive. Its an obvious fact that physical purchases are more justifiable compared to digital because they are, physical. Because you can hold it, store it etc etc. You can't do that with data, because its digital, its not as permanent and secure as a physical copy, its tangeable 1s and

@Kobun: Awesome Mc is right though, it shows the flaws in DLC. Its just tangeable data that you are paying real money for, once its erased. Its gone. Its not physical. A fundamental flaw in virtual purchases compared to physical purchases.

@Unfather: I don't think it would be cost effective. The effect of just dragging the npc down is still as good as creating a hole in the plane (which can be a polypain because all the verts and circles will get messed up and will have to be re-done), or doing a complete UV re-map just to make the effect that he is