
In fairness, the rocket did miss. Its a little to the left of the player, whether he dived or not as the picture at the top clearly shows.

Its all fine and dandy until the download file size is 938kb and we are all left thinking, an added playlist and a map? Too right its free.

@SolCross: People in comas for one :P

Dead Ops Arcade. For men.

@Dex-Starr: Which is why I said roll on the trailer, because he seems psyched, which means I want to see said movie.

Personally I think he fits the bill. Even the voice is a close match. Also he seems psyched to do it. These are all good signs to me, roll on the trailer.

I want your silverlight all over my dashboard

GTA do the best manuals IMO

Word photo editing ftw

Some people are failing to see how this is good news. Games are becoming more and more mainstream. This is further more proof to that fact. Geek is now king, compare that to a few years ago when we all wore thick rimmed glasses and braces. Its probably the best comeback since Ken countered Chun - Li in that semi -

I enjoyed it and managed to work the menus fine, but when it came to the race, I couldn't turn, it wouldn't register my hands and when it did it opened the pause menu randomly, firing items was find though. And kicking my foot for the speed boost worked fine. I just could not get a turn in, it was mainly leaning right

And we all thought the night vision goggles from ModernWarfare2s special edition were useless. Isn't this a teabag to the testament.

If you wanna see a man wearing Pikachus head, just go to a Cosplay event...or Japan...

They definitely went for quality and not quantity

Haha the Bi-product of a lazy brainstorm session methinks

Left4Dead 3

Left4Dead 3

Now playing

One positive thing about this game. ILM still has the technical advantage over any CGI company out there. The cutscenes and even ingame animatics are top notch in terms of realism and quality.

Didn't Alex Mason recently liberate a mining planet in revenge for his dead brother with he help of a bunch of rebels?

@deafblindmute: if you delete the /gallery at the end of the url it displays all the images on one page instead of you having to press next for each image.