
@Poopiter - The Gas Giant: Sorry for not specifying, its the X360 version so safe to assume it will be PS3 aswell

people are always trying to get one up

Why is this a paradox? I understand what it says. If you wana log out, log in first. It should be followed by a slap to the idea trying to log out without being logged in!

scary how many people on here know too much about sniper rifles

Inspiration for somebody to make a ZOE 3 maybe? Please?

Sorry but Link looks stoned

I bet she misses the kitchen now! Shoulda stayed in it, wouldn't get into a mess like this huh!?

If only you could customize your butler too.

His accent isn't nearly as British as I had hoped it would be.

@Tatsuya: I'd count Civ V big aswell. That's PC only.

I bet it only uses 6 out of the 16 million colours.

Maybe with the second part of DLC we will get the Story Add on

Good job its not a storm trooper shooting a bunch of rebels, they've never hit a target in their lives ha!

This is wrong.

Now Molyneux is going to claim he invented the chicken.

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