
Wind Waker for Teens. Sorely disappointed.

Way to not include bluray

I had just gotten started on this game for my project, an open world racer! They would have shot me down with lightning before I even got to 88 with copyright anyway :(

@alc: What about all that talk about screwing up future events? The space-time continuum?

God dammit. For my university project I've been making a Back to the Future racing game. They've beaten me to the punch and probably cost me a lot of a marks. DAMN YOU TELLTALE!

These were released on June 4th, not today.

Guitar Hero is ment to be simulating playing guitar at a gig. People who whinge about the live songs are idiots who think that all music is played how it sounds on the master track. Its ment to sound like your playing it, not playing it and mastering it. It adds a touch of realism to the experience if you ask me.

Was I watching a different film? Because I am 100% certain there was an evil bald Vizier, and I'm sure key points in this trailer replaced him with an albino snake handler.

How out of place and awkward does Jordan Mechner look! " Hey guys, I made the game that this is based on!" Shutup nerd Jerry made the game...

"when your company has policies in place about talking to the press, as GameStop does, freedom of speech doesn't override those policies."

I want to see Bungie reply like Bricktop from Snatch..."Pull your tongue out of my arsehole, Sony"

Does that mean when the next article uses dollars, you will convert it to Euros for your European readership?

Simply Red standing by

Microsoft failed to realize the 3rd Party controllers were for the Xbox 360

@Shmraggon: Tip of the top left desk. Internet = a place where people will do it for you.

Were any of them screenshots different?

You failed to include the letter attached to Andrew Ryan. "To Michael, with love from Mom & Dad. Would you kindly not open until 63° 2° N, 29° 55° W"

If this game doesn't sell and they have to close down. Irony will smile..

Who could resist wanting another Final Fantasy already! I mean XIII was such a breeze I've got hundreds more hours of my life left, get pumping them out!! I'm aware its not technically a "new" release but still, one at a time please, Valve got stick for it why can't they!?

It gives me reoccuring nightmares of Raiden piggybacking through an underwater maze. What would make this game even less appealing is if you got iron boots and a series of pointless puzzles and start menu abusing.