
DOA Beach Volley ball, for women.

I like this idea, I find learning things in a game is easier than learning in real life. For example I can easily dictate quotes or figures I hear in a game to somebody. I think I have more motivation to learn to play the guitar and play a game at the same time than learning to play the guitar on its own. I like this

What sequel could you give Carnival games except more Carnival games, imagine if they incorporated a GTA - esque story to Carnival Games. Like a mature Bully. The Wii would have to wash itself.

Lets hope theyve stopped dry humping naughty dog in an alley and have finally made it official with a marriage. Thus giving birth to Jak 4

She has biceps that rival Chris Redfield!


You know you would get some 10yr old kid screaming at you to move your leg in time until he realises* he is the leg.

this is too painful to watch again for the 14th, 15th, 16th...

Picked up quicker than a 40 yr old on a teen chatroom

Michael McIntyre hehe, I wonder if his hair bounced around during the interview and flailed his arms manicly..

I got a joke about Borderlands

Two friends meet in the office of one of them, a notorious techo-geek.

I can actually see a storyline between Dante and The Undertaker. Which one has more personal issues etc.

Hey man why 61 for the level cap? "simple, cos I NEED SCISSORS 61!!!!1!!!"

When people see me in the street wearing this, they're not going to say oh! look, he reads Kotaku! Instead they will say, PERV!!

This video would definitely get banned from Apples App store. Too much skin showing! FILTH!!

The castle at the start looks sort of familiar, Castlevania familiar...

If I play this and get torpedoed by a freaked out dolphin called Echo...so help me god...

800MS points?! Microsoft, what have you done to Perfect Dark, tell us, c'mon now, we promise we won't get mad. Why the low price for a seemingly great package? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IT!? WHATS THE CATCH!? GRAWRRR 61!!!!

Wait, they had tipex and highlighter pens in the 70's?! Crazy times indeed!