
They have good, well-payed jobs, but I wouldn't go so far as to call them cushy. But why is having a well-payed job a bad thing?

It’s been weird. I can’t remember a single time I laughed at Schumer’s show this season, which is a complete 180 from how much I laughed in previous seasons. She basically spent this season trying to inform you how much of a feminism icon she should be. It was just this weird audition it felt like.

I never went back to Amy Schumer this season...I don’t know why...I liked her show...I just didn’t go back...I even liked Trainwreck...

Yeah, I wasn’t impressed with Cuba. And then after watching the 30 for 30, it was clear to me that he was just very wrong for the role. I don’t care that he doesn’t look or sound like OJ. But he didn’t feel like OJ.

Broad City is so many levels better than Inside Amy Schumer for me. I’m with you there. Just a genius show. Huge snub.

It is seriously the only show that can dependably bring me to tears with laughter...that show is just everything that is good and right with the world.

YES. WTAF. cuba was one note, the entire time. freaking sterling was AMAZING! i came for sarah paulson, but he hooked me in all the way. love him.

Sterling K. Brown (Christopher Darden) should have been nominated over Cuba Gooding (OJ).


As a native Floridian who got the hell outta there I can tell you that it is safe to assume there is a gator in every body of water in the entire state. I can also tell you that f*cking snowbirds feed the damn things ALL THE TIME. (Seriously. I lived in a subdivision with ponds and there was a group of retirees who

I live in the Inland Empire, I’m well aware of this.

i have so many questions about this video.

In fairness, I would climb over a skyscraper to get away from Florida Man.

I think of it as Seventeen magazine become sentient.

I imagined something like this↑ or this↓, depending on your partner.


Is this one of those “breakup boxes” ?

Only breakup box you need. Best way to get over someone is to get under another....or so I’ve been told.

The art is in being so blindingly hypocritical that no one can cut through the glare.

It’s incredibly hard to completely destroy your wealth once you’ve become part of the super-rich. It virtually never happens.