
I recently saw someone on facebook had named their son Daxen (I believe—it’s been a couple weeks so I could be remembering it a bit wrong). So fucking terrible.

We had “Hayden the girl” and “Hayden the boy” in a class.

I have met SO MANY Xaden and Zadens! What?!?!

Mine wanted to call me Zebediah or Jedidiah.

Pretty much you have to play in the NFL or drive for NASCAR.

I read a thread on what to expect recently where someone recommended “Kynslee” and “Brinley” for girls. #futureregretz

I know someone who had an oopsie baby with a random hookup. Anyway, random hookup dude was on a break due to a fight with his longtime girlfriend. He was obviously stupid about birth control, so like a month after he impregnates my friend, he impregnates longterm girlfriend. He comes to an agreement with my friend

He also had a Quentin, which is what I’d name a son if I had children.

My cousin named her kid Makynzi. Good God, woman, I get that you were 19 when you had her but goddamn.

Whyzdom. Makynnyn.P-Tom. Names of actual kids.

Everyone I know who had a kid right after we graduated high school named their kids something like Aiden, Jaden, or Kayden. They all thought they were super unique but now they are school aged and having to do the first name + last initial thing.

My cats have always had silly names...the last one was Moofy, and before that I had Ickle-Pickle for 18 years (best cat ever). For a while I had another cat named Marie (from Kliban’s list of cat words) and I kept trying to get him to say her name. I fostered a cat named Freedom, and a cat named Rachel, but

and the -kensies. At least 25% of children are called some variant spelling of Mackensie these days.

The bad thing is Aidan was once a pretty solid name. But then all the other -aydens came along and ruined it. My daughter goes to school with a GIRL named Brayden.

My wife is a part of a mommy group, there is a subset of this group we privately refer to as, “the dens”. More than 50% of the group has been afflicted with this terrible naming convention.


Or Madison/Madyson/Maddesyn. Fucking horrid, all of them

thoughts, i got ‘em:

Top of that list should be Braden, Jaden, Aidan, and any/all permutations.

I was taught to deal with a delivery in a basic EMT class, for god’s sake. (And over 10 years later, I still remember the key bits being 1) do not insert anything into the vagina and 2) catch).