
Meh. Dick Cheney didn’t get punished for Halliburton. Nothing is derailing the military gravy train.

They’re correct if you consider cherry-picked, partial information correct.

Or he could, you know, release his once-promised tax returns...

But by the standards of the conspiracy theorists, if Trump becomes President then everything the US does with a country he’s done business with will be a kickback, which would be just as not OK if we’re pretending to be brain dead enough to buy this reasoning, so it is hypocritical.

The most shocking thing about all these ridiculous accusations is that people don’t seem to understand the role of secretary of state. Hillary isn’t the President, she can’t wave a finger and decide to sell arms to anyone. These type of decisions have to come from the President and go through congress. You guys

I keep hearing this. Between the people who keep popping up here promising a “big” scandal and Julian Assange assuring us that more hacked data is coming soon, I’m starting to wonder what the fuck y’all are waiting for. Why the ‘promises’? If you have info, just drop it. What is the damn hold up?

There’s zero evidence Hillary took that money for herself, in fact there zero evidence aside from Republicans making accusations that Hillary enriched herself, or let donations to a charity sway her decisions. Republican tactics is keep throwing out accusations and see what sticks and go with it.

Those Democrats are shaking all right.

The Republic party is panicking as well. Giant Orange Moron will destroy them

More like Pol Pot, meet kettle...

There’s no way he wants to be POTUS! None whatsoever! He’s phoning shit it in, being a caricature of what a GOP candidate might look like. There’s no way he wants to win.

Hillary is a gold mine of history that a candidate could use to tear her apart and there’s no way that Trump, nor anyone on his staff, doesn’t have

There’s also a big difference in selling arms to countries we have pretty much always sold arms to and selling arms to countries that donate to the SoS.

You do realize there is a difference between donations going to a Foundation or Charity and into her pocket, right? I had to look it up myself to see what the Clinton Foundation actually does, but it doesn’t seem their goal is “to put money in Hillary’s pocket”. The foundation also seems to operate GLOBALLY, so

The thing is, as noted in the article the US loves selling arms to ALL allied countries. This would only be news if you could prove that the deals with the countries that donated have better terms than the deals with the countries that didn’t donate. Otherwise, this comparison is irrelevant.

Well, first of all, there is no proof here that Clinton made arms deals in exchange for donations. That is just speculation. The same speculation people have about all politicians and campaign contribution. With no proof, they aren’t held responsible. So his implications are baseless and reckless at best. And at worst

There’s no more proof that these donations are kickbacks than there is when the super-wealthy make campaign contributions and get cushy political appointments or get favorable legislation passed, which happens literally all the time with all politicians.

I’m pretty sure I know you...

Four pudgy white guys sitting around in cargo shorts shooting the shit is exactly how I imagined the offices of the Wall Street Journal. Is that a picture of today’s editorial board meeting?

which is useful

Sorry you’re getting so much crap. The thing is, my little brother drank some leftover beer a few times, he’s fine. That’s not the end of the world, but if this woman is constantly doing this, then she’s an ass. There are plenty of shitty moms AND dads. If you let your kid run around in a restaurant where the poor