
I don’t think their parents have any idea that their children are little terrors, since the kids are acting just the way they do.

Did you hear bitchsesh when they talked about how gross and sweaty his and Theresa’s sex must be? (Same for Dorinda and John the drycleaner.) I was dying.

It fell off a truck

The water in my town tastes and smells like sulphur, and that's still better than when we were living out in the country and on well water. A water cooler is a better alternative, fiscally, than buying bottled water for drinking.

I have one and I’m not fancy. My mom used to work for the bottled water company and we’ve had one since I was teenager.

LOL you don’t? The water from the pipes, has like dead bodies and such in it. The one from the cooler, well it’s a great conversation starter!

This is a favorite of mine, too:

I’m sitting at my desk trying to not get fired. These gifs are all beautiful.

He’s disgusting and should never have been allowed to breed.

I, for one, cannot wait until her inevitable military coup followed by world domination, and I look forward to bowing before my queen.

Well, yeah. They're fancy people who can't drink regular tap water. Or their McMansion was built on the site of a former dump or brownfield where the water's already contaminated with god knows what. Because New Jersey.

I have never recovered from Melissa Gorga’s ‘how to be a wife’ atrocity.

k bye

Joe Gorga is worse, with all of his neeeeds.

This post comes from a place of love and if you don’t get it:

Or maybe just make sure your kids are playing Pokemon GO in Canada, where you probably wont get robbed at gunpoint.

Unfortunately, expecting people to NOT act completly idiotic is now considered “victim blaming”. I swear, we are regressing backwards as a collective species.