
And the other people had been living their lives for years with loves, relationships, connections, hopes, and dreams—and all that was taken from them. So that’s less tragic than a kid?

I really, really, REALLY hate it when the media does this bullshit—”including X amount of children”. It’s insulting to the other people who died—”Sorry you’re dead, but it’s not as tragic as it would be if you were a kid.”

She’s promoting a book and making as many waves as possible to get attention for it. That’s not white privilege, it’s smart marketing.

Is this what being a hero feels like? ;)

I have two friends that had their first baby at 46 (both complete surprises because they thought they were menopausal) and one coworker who had a baby at 51 (she had some help), and my gran got her 3rd baby (my mother) at 45. 47 is not a very common age to get pregnant, but it can happen.

I grew up with one half of a Paleo blog couple and subsequently had them on my FB for awhile. Food bloggers are such a circle jerk of cross-promoting and 5 star reviewing. Their Amazon reviews were full of recognizable relatives and bloggers.

Hello, from a copy writer! It often freaks me out that so many typos make it into these articles, and I wish they would just send them to me to read before posting...

Long ago, I ran out of fucks to give about a white woman unhappy about her unsatisfying job at a media company. Come to think of it, I never had any to give about them in the first place.

On one hand, yes, please spill that tea so I can read it and spend up the Friday before a long weekend a little bit faster.

After reading the “reviews” I am quite certain all of these people are her relatives or her under a different screen name.

This is my biggest food blog pet peeve!!! It makes me unreasonably annoyed when there’s 40 comments or something and 39 of them are other food bloggers saying “omg this looks sooooooo good” and then link to their blog.

I had a boss who was verbally abusive and a known alcoholic. Her assistant before me had quit under dramatic circumstances. I worked for the crazy woman for 2 1/2 years and I finally had enough, I said something to her bosses. I was the one let go and she was only given a “part time assistant.” Cut to 2 years later,

Those Jennifer Annistan Pregnant! stories are just getting cruel now. She’s old (sorry. not sorry.) For whatever reason, either by choice or by unhappy circumstance, she did not have children. Not nice to rub her face in looking a bit bloated* in some photos.


“...will never give their nights, weekends, relationships and sanity again to keep up with an email chain about whether Jennifer Aniston is pregnant at 47 because of those tummy photos and what kind of mom will she be, when really she just had an extra burrito at lunch; but oh, wait, the rep says it’s just a rumor so

So...she knew they were shitty but kept on and even wanted and EXPECTED that they would support and publicize her YA novel?

I once quit a job in similar fashion. I received an email on a Friday night and it was the final straw. I sent a resignation email to my boss Saturday and went to the office Sunday morning, typed up a letter outlining everything I’d been holding back for 3 years, along with a list of all the work they now would have

I hope, will never give their nights, weekends, relationships and sanity again to keep up with an email chain about whether Jennifer Aniston is pregnant at 47 because of those tummy photos and what kind of mom will she be

You realize, I hope, that she’s just trying to promote her book?

Not to shade Sara’s professional choices, but this resignation letter is the closest that a People writer was ever going to get to a Pulitzer.