
She’s being sued for insulting another woman about her vaginal odor? Really?

her tombstone should be her fridge

Agreed. At the same time, I can’t help but wonder if a little money didn’t change hands behind the scenes.

Fuck, Julia looks virtually the same...

“exit from modernity, complexity, and responsibility.”


We see the same thing in the US. The red states that complain the most about paying taxes are the same ones that receive the most federal money.

Exactly. One of the ways they sold the vote to stay in the UK was fear of getting kicked out of the EU. Now Scotland has zero reasons to stay.

we are exiting Planet Earth

Hey now, don’t get cocky — when it comes to making stupid and short-sighted decisions based mostly on fear and irrationality, y’all still have a LONG way to go to catch up to us here in the U.S.

I’m hoping the red states will exit. The result would be the same as Brexit: economic walloping and collapse.

That’s what I keep wondering when I see the “US is next!!!” from these folks. Did we become part of the EU and I missed it?

Oh I would love for Texit to finally happen.

And don’t forget #texit! Which, incidentally, would be the only good thing to come out of Brexit.

At this point I’m really hoping Scotland votes again to GTFO and then the EU fast tracks them back in.

Anything that lets the Scots screw over the British is cool in my book.

This week, two FB friends copied-and-posted the same dead-eyed rant about “the gun under my shirt at the grocery store” that “you’ll never know about” but “at least I won’t die while sniveling for my life.” Un-friended.

I would love to see a study that correlates low IQ to numbers of guns owned.

What?! You don’t think the world would be a safer place if only there were more drunk people with guns in pitch black nightclubs and bars?!

It drives me crazy when people argue that they need military-style guns to keep off the government. The U.S. government, which spends billions and billions of dollars on things far more lethal than guns. When people claim they’re defending themselves against the government, I always want to say IF THEY WANT TO TAKE

You are not alone. I am so fucking ragey about the state of this country.