
Of course we still have it good. That doesn’t mean it’s okay to be misogynistic toward white women. Just like it’s not acceptable, for example, to be racist toward black men because they have male privilege. And remember that “white women” includes women who are queer and trans, who are poor, who are immigrants, who

I can’t be the only one that thinks the name “Tanner” sounds like an Ivy League rapist name.

POTUS fundraising may be a significant factor in keeping Trump out of the Oval Office. Worth some traffic delays, in my book.

Like my junior high school band director said, “Call your Congressman!”

Sorry your life is so tough.

Get the fuck over yourself. Also, you think the president sets his own schedule? Please...

No one is on your side on this one, dude. You don’t have to like the President, but you’re not winning anyone over with this nonsense.

If the President inconveniencing your commute once or twice a year in a major metropolitan area for the sake of keeping schedule without sacrificing his security is striking fear in you, then you need to talk to a doctor about that.

You know, if you don't like life in the big city, Mom still has your bedroom ready for you back in podukaville

That comment couldn’t be more idiotic, even if it ended with “Trump 2016.”

In most situations where someone is riding a bike like an idiot, no, tackling and pinning them is probably not warranted (though maybe desired).

First off, yes, he is the most important America. If Obama or Bush or whichever President (or VP) wants to shut down the 280 for an hour, it’s their prerogative as the most powerful person in our country. Perks of the job.

POTUS does more between 6pm & 9pm than most of us do in a month.

Didn't know you were so self-important, Tahoe. You are one selfish egotistical bastard. Would you feel that way if the prez was Reagan or Swartzeneger?

I think this if pretty much the the fantasy of everyone when they see a bicyclist where I live.

Perhaps you can suggest a much better airport, schedule, and route to take then?

Reason #4,191,018 to not be president: you’ve got to to get you itinerary approved by every message board poster and Gawker commenter before setting your Out Of Office.

LOL. The President- no matter what your political affiliation- should never have to worry about your commute when flying into “your” town. “Hey Michelle, tell Biden I switched our AF1 flight time to a red eye, so I don’t delay TahoeSTi from getting home this evening.”

Ignorance is not a defense.

Ignorance is not an excuse.