
yes this is me. terrified pregnant lady. and im just gonna say it, that is not a cute baby. it looks like those baby plants in harry potter

Seriously. I’m finishing my twenties now and I’m very excited to have said no to 75% of wedding invites.

Seriously. I’m paying for a plane ticket and a cheap motel. That’s it.

Bridesmaids revolved around this! Wiig’s character was flat stony broke and that was a big part of the anger and humiliation she felt about Rudolph’s marriage. Everything she put together was one-upped (although not on purpose) by Rose Byrne’s character in that insultingly casual way that money can come across to the


Fuck everyone with rich parents

She seems like a generally terrible person, but she was also hot enough that someone will fund her obnoxious lifestyle at least until the looks give out.

Camping? If they are turning down camping over financial woes then either you’re doing the camping part wrong or they’re doing the ‘friend’ part wrong. I otherwise agree with your sentiment. It’s very frustrating to watch a friend be irresponsible with the finances. Especially if it has an impact on their ability to

u have much 2 learn

You don’t know who Caity Weaver is?

Insurance companies are just horrible when it comes to anything breast related.

I believe worst memoir title still belongs to OJ’s “If I did it”

Is the lack of a pedicure a statement? If you’re going to show your toes and you’ve obviously considered the impact of your footwear, why skip the finishing touch?

I can’t with this bullshit - for so many, it’s not about women CEOs and their start-ups... for many, it’s about having a baby and trying not to lose your job over it, or scraping pennies together to get childcare. It’s institutional sexism and sexual harassment. It’s being paid less. It’s being complimented on your

Chapter One: Have a Wealthy Father Who Inherited A Bunch of Money From His Father And Go to Work for The Family Real Estate Company (It’s Much Easier Than Actually Having to Get a Job By Applying and Interviewing ... I Mean, That Would Suck)

Step 1: Have a wealthy father.

Rules for success:

The black strapless dress looks like something a Duggar sister would find at a thrift shop and go “Oh we’ll just make Jana sew some ridiculous modesty panel over it to make it more Fundie.”

Whoa I’ve never seen all three Olsens in one photo.

In a shocking turn of events, the Olsen twins manage to NOT look like scared refugee children huddling together for warmth. A true victory for fashion.