
She always seems to be hopped up

Oh please she just says that to piss Bethany off. I think it’s funny

Agreed. However, I don’t think car, nor dick in the mouth, can shut Luann (or Bethenney) up. :D

I hate that no one will see this because it’ll be buried, but I just watched the episode and noticed that LuAnn has Bethenny’s name misspelled in her phone as “Bethany.” I find this hysterical.

“anyone can make a margarita honey"

Me being cool this entire episode.

ugh Rey. I could feel his hot breath. I’ve known too many Reys. Ick.

Carole’s subtle remark that Jules bringing games to the party was a very Asian thing to do

What a crappy birthday cake.

Poor Jules, I felt so bad for her during this episode! If I was her it would have taken every bit of restraint I possess to not slap Lu across the face during their conversation outside.

Equally insufferable, narcissistic men?

My highlight was when Sonja said the only thing worse than “trout mouth” was “trout snatch”.

I fucking love this hot mess of a show!!!

“I decorated! I made it nice!”

Two of my favorite parts happened during the previews:

All this time I thought Richard Lawson’s Countess Crackerjack stories were fictional.

The Jules-LuAnn talk was a real highlight for me. I haven't laughed at tv this much in ages.

I liked how Dorinda (Also, what is up with that name? It makes her sound like a long-lost sister of the Wizard of Oz witches.) threw everyone out . . . and no one went home. LuAnn just sat around in her mink vest and complained about how she was hot.

What about the Countess owning up to the fact she’s the Kim Catrall in their SATC crossover??? And Dorinda not just rage-slurring “Shame!” and “I made it nice!” but ALSO swinging around what is clearly a half empty bottle of vodka???

The type of person who would claim another person is copying their extremely basic haircut.