
The stroller thing has gotten out of hand. Just this morning an friend of mine very literally ran into me as she was pushing her two girls— who are like 4 and 6 mind you, and perfectly capable of walking on their own— in a freaking gigantic double wide stroller, so I’ve been thinking about this today.

Uh...it’s just not a celebrity problem it’s an actual resident issue mainly with places like park slope and cobble hill...just as there is a right and wrong side of the street to walk on... This is an actual thing

I fucking hate stroller people. I’m sure many of you use them in a way that is not abysmally rude to everyone around you, but many of you do. #NotAllStrollers. And, I’m sure Patrick Stewart said he wanted to do something about those “bloody prams”, not strollers.

Me reading this thread: this sounds like park slope, I bet it’s park slope.

And don’t just stop in the middle of the damn sidewalk for no fucking reason.

Classic toddler handling. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it.

After living in New York my whole life and spent a portion of it getting pummeled by parents shoving their way down the street in massive strollers I'm totally on board with this

Guess it took someone from the outside to get things going. I live fairly close to that neighborhood and there have been articles written about the stroller issue long before he moved into the neighborhood.

Eh, the stroller thing sounds like your usual old man grump combined with a little celebrity entitle. I can’t be mad. Also, I agree because I don’t have kids and I hate sidewalk hogs.

And in his neighborhood, they insist on trying navigating these gigantic rolling barcaloungers through crowded little cafes and coffee shops. They use these strollers, containing their babies and toddlers, as battering rams. While it would seem to a civilized person that a simple, “Pardon me” would be the best way to

You know what, I’m more than mildly annoyed by people with strollers, especially the kind of $1,000+ strollers that are wide as a tank, and the way they think they have priority over anyone else who dares to come into their vicinity and they won’t budge and will bump into your legs on purpose. They think they have

I hear you, but he and that gal sure do seem to be in real love and have a lot of genuine fun together...and I used to live in that same neighborhood, and the stroller situation was OUT OF CONTROL and stroller pushers were really aggressive. I’m glad someone’s taking a stand.

I agree, I do think it’s amazing how much has changed for her in a year. My heart really goes out to those whom are in transition but due to finances it takes them years or even decades. For Caitlyn it was almost overnight, and she really hasn’t faced too much struggle like the typical trans male or female faces,

Eh. I’m a mom and I would agree with the stroller thing. Some moms think they’re pushing a goddamn tank. It’s like sidewalk walking etiquette in general. Don’t take up the whole fucking thing, don’t walk 4 people across if other people are trying to walk in the other direction, and slow the hell down with your

You know what, I’m okay with that idea. Hear me out - there’s nothing like being hurried along by the wheels of a stroller while you’re walking through Disneyland because a parent wants to get their kid to a parade or ride. Not only does it hurt when someone rams a damn stroller into your legs, you are also on the

I’m happy that she was able to transition, she looks amazing... It’s amazing what money can do for your transition... A few hundred thousand or so.

Whiteness is a privilege that exists whether you are poor or not.

You might try reading the article.

I have an aunt that is a Trump supporter who is very suspicious of all Muslims, doesn’t think whites should marry blacks, and is disgusted by gays. I told her nicely that I think she supports him because he is bringing back ideals that were common 50 years ago and some Americans wish were still the social norm. She

Dick Morris, former Republican advisor to Bill Clinton and current bad political commenter, would now like to present the case that perhaps men are being terrorized by society.