
<3 mayyyybeeeeee

I cannot bear any kind of heel at all. The pressure on the ball of my foot makes it feel like the weave of my stocking/sock is being burned into it with acid. And most flats are horrible torture chambers not meant for the human foot. Sneakers in winter, sandals in summer.

im relatively tall and my friends are ridiculously short, i never worked through getting accustomed to heels as a teen/young adult so now I’m just useless in them. plus i like comfort.

I am 27 and have basically given up on heels cuz fuckkkk that noise.

“You need to dress properly - it’s about respect!”

Please don’t breeed.

Yeah. It’s like Not In My Back Yard but ... about electronics? Everyone Reduce Their Carbon Footprint But Buy This New Apple Product.

We can avoid the food and water shortages if we work now to stop population growth in every single country.

What we should have been doing for the last 20 years is creating incentives for people to not have babies.

Did you have children? That was the bad decision you made if you wanted to help stop climate change. But it’s too late if they are already made. Maybe you could still convince them to not have children.

Don’t produce offspring. At this point, that’s about all we can do.

I don’t even understand having kids these days. Do you even know how much it takes to raise a kid? About as much as to BUY A HOUSE. I don’t understand how middle class people afford them, let alone poor people, and those two classes are by far having the most kids. Also, we have way too many children; schools are

LOL. try telling the suburban babymakers this. Everytime I do, you can see in their eyes “yea, but...”

And/Or distribute birth control to areas with high birth rates.

The only thing that is guaranteed to work is to cut the population in half. But nobody has the political will to do so. Lets start flipping coins for who lives and who dies...the faster we get started the better off the world will be.

A child increases ones carbon footprint sevenfold so the single best thing you can do for the planet is not have any, or stop at just one.

No need to panic. The aliens breeding us think we’re doing too well at the whole “take over the Earth” thing, so they jumped the difficulty rating up a notch. We’ll be engineering ourselves and our favorite pets to withstand/thrive in the new climate, no problem. Long term real-estate markets are backing away from the

It was going to be political no matter what. Conservatives are driven by personal interest and will find a thousand ways to avoid making any difficult lifestyle or fiscal changes.

Based on activists like Leonardo dicaprio, I guess we should own several mansions and many expensive cars each, and fly in private jets at every opportunity. Oh, yeah. And make speeches about stopping fossil fuel use.

Earth will be fine after we cook ourselves to our death.