
Wow, so “volatile personalities” is the nice way of saying “entitled, unprofessional assholes”?

So what do Bros buy ?

I charge at least $5k more if you want me to put it in my mouth.

I deal with some of these same people in the course of my job, and it’s absolutely nutty. We’re trying to currently convince a group of young men to please ACTUALLY FOLLOW THE TERMS OF YOUR CONTRACT.

Folks. There isn’t enough funding going into mental health. There aren’t enough facilities/beds, and in the rare instances where there are, it’s difficult to keep staffing up so that those beds can be filled. Mental health workers are often overworked and underpaid, and in those spaces where more is needed (outreach

Oh wow so “Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother” VICTIM BLAMING MUCH? Who cares why her daughter was out so late. Some CRAZY ASSHOLE decided, “hey she said no, so I’m like gonna kill her and her kid.” What’s that quote again?

Honestly that seems to be the only option at this point, nothing else is working.

That stinks. I’m sorry.

I’m so sick of these goddamn asshole males getting their fucking feelings hurt and freaking out and murdering women. That’s why we need a woman in the white House. These fucking pieces of shit males are too goddamn emotional! Who’s with me?!

I had nothing I could possibly say to this article full of depressing and horrible news that hasn’t been said by millions of women, until I saw these pictures.

If only she’d stopped at “It makes me want to cry because it shouldn’t have happened.” Because sexual harassment and gun violence shouldn't happen, regardless of location and proximity of children.

You could just decide to say ‘Ok, that’s cool, just thought I’d ask!’ and walk away, instead. It’s really easy. There are a million reasons why people say no. Often, that reason has nothing to do with you.

From the article:

Especially considering that an armed man with anger issues is an actual threat to the whole neighborhood, whereas a cranky toddler tomorrow is not.

Men’s Fragile Feels

What do you know, there actually is a situation where I am 100% in favor of the death penalty. This is one of the most disgusting stories I've seen and this isn't even thst uncommon any more. Fuck this rabid murderous shitjackal to hell.

He really showed why it was a good reason to reject him.

That’s all I got, just fuck this guy. Oh and as for those neighbors.

People like this are why we need massive improvements in pre-license screening for firearm permits and purchases.