
Baddie Winkle has been to many raves. She is an icon in this scene. What's not to love about a pot smoking granny dancing to EDM?

I would have zero interest in subjecting my ears to the music but those are some amazing outfits (especially the fruit ladies) and wigs, and all the butts pictured are v good butts.

Right? It made me think about how she’d deal with someone who replied “But it’s interesting to me, so please answer the question.”

You can get a degree from Harvard by going through extension. (ALso why would you brag about never writing a paper? You clearly must have purchased papers then, and certainly didn’t get everything from your education that you could have.)

I got kicked out of my Christian youth group because I had too many questions. Still one of my proudest religious moments. At fourteen I’d already read the whole bible a few times over (skipping the begats because fuck that) and I had a lot of questions. The youth leader was only able to parrot back what he’d been

I’ve spent my 41 years of life feeling socially alienated, unloved and unwanted and have experienced little more than crushing disappointment and frustration. I would love to find myself in the arms of an accepting and loving group who magically make everything right. Unfortunately for me, I know bullshit when I smell

I wish I could star this more than once. :D I’ll settle for telling it to everyone I know and giving you all the credit.

This guy finishes up with his Superstar Machine meetings and immediately heads to his local MRA hangout and is high-fived by everyone there.

Good. Asking questions is good.

He told women, she says, “to do stuff like get down on the floor,” or instructed them to go home and “stick fingers up their asses, or stick, like, a carrot up your ass.”

Holy shit, this sounds like a cult, MRA bullshit, and multi-level marketing all piled into one giant shitstack. As a woman in my late forties, it is easy to see through this piece of human garbage’s spiel. Thinking about how naive and confused I was in my early twenties, I could see my then-self falling for it.

I know science, bitch!

....I'm not a man but I ask too many questions, too.

Hey, I got the Divine on speakerphone. She speaks to whoever she wants.

When I was in college, I met a man in his 40s who was coming back for his degree. I noticed he liked to surround himself with young girls. One of them was my former college friend. She was very vulnerable to his bullshit. I wasn’t and that ended up ending our friendship. She picked him over me. It strung for years

I got thrown out of a cult once, and it was BRILLIANT! These things are awful and just... I wish more people would speak their mind IN the meetings. I was invited to one (now that I think on it, I do wonder if it wasn’t mostly women), and they told everyone that the source of our problems stemmed from trauma inside

Great piece, Anna. Thanks for doing it.

...what a goddamn shame...so desperate for someone to say everything’s gonna be alright...makes me wish it weren’t raining today....

I’m surprised to hear him described as an “unlikely looking” guru, because he looks exactly like I’d picture a smug, middle-age self-defined guru who tries to control younger women.

If someone was going to found a cult based on Divine, it would sure be better than this.