
“I guess some of it is too intellectual”

Have you listened to the Bitch Sesh podcast? Oh. My. God. Beyond hilarious. I'm not even a huge fan of the RH but my god they make me want to get into it again. Trust me, any housewives fan (or comedy fan) will be addicted.

Simon Van Kempen was more sad and desperate to a point where he became deeply uncomfortable to watch. Their desperate social climbing was always ridiculously awkward.


Donn has got to be super laid back and go with the flow. Vicky is so ridiculously controlling. I cringed for her kids.

I like Terry more than Heather tbh

Everybody liked Donn on the RHOC. I mean everybody except Vicki that is.

Related: Bianca on Rich Kids made a comment about getting “David Foster-ed”: Left when the going gets rough.

I don’t feel like that’s a guarantee regardless. Coal is expensive. It’s dying, no matter who’s in office.

Which was actually Clinton’s original point - that coal jobs aren’t going to be around forever and we needed to be thinking about a new economy. Of course, because it’s Clinton, she phrased it inarticulately and then had to walk it all back.

I worked with a woman whose sister ended up divorcing her husband because of solar power. (No shit, this was the jumping off point for them) Her mom and dad got solar panels on their house and their son-in-law announced that he was a “coal man for life” and stormed out. He then told his wife that no one would be going

They continuously have, no joke. They don’t want “hand-outs”, they just want their “coal jobs”.

And you know if Obama or Clinton proposed bringing in a bunch of wind or solar plants and giving every single coal worker retraining and a guaranteed job, they’d STILL bitch about them killing coal.

Three members of the same family are dying from black lung and the remaining members are still shaking their fists and growling about Obama killing the coal industry and their towns.

Still true...

This clip of Donald Trump reminds me a lot of my dad after a 1/2 liter of vodka, but we know enough not to let him out of the house.

“consumer aerosol products made in the U.S. have not contained ozone-depleting chemicals—also known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)—since the late 1970s, first because companies voluntary eliminated them, and later because of federal regulations.” Is 40 years ago the America that was “great”?

The thing that cracks me up is you can absolutely buy aerosol hairspray. The CFCs have been replaced with less dangerous compounds that work EXACTLY THE SAME in terms of propellant value. Trump just knows his audience is legit mad at science, which is weird, given how many of them must know someone with black lung

welcome to modern world apocalypse

I hope to god that they do not reproduce.