
AKA: Multiple and sustained micro (and woefully, macro) aggressions, less pay, fewer opportunities, and just overall lack of respect: Wears one down. Especially when one is shut out of the “ruling” class entirely due to gender.

What really pisses them off is when I share my family’s story:

Right? As an Armenian woman and a descendant of survivors of the Genocide, I find it so offensive when people use that word. It loses its meaning when applied to every little thing. Non-whites obtaining power is not genocide.

“We’re getting doxed, threatened and harassed.”


Okay. This will be a valid argument if there ever comes a day where women hold over 75% of STEM jobs or 80% of congressional seats.

Yes, this. This is exactly what I want allies to do—use their position to help others reach the same social, political, cultural, etc. heights. It reminds me of the metaphor I often heard growing up about those who have climbed higher on the ladder of success reaching back and helping those who are lower on the rungs

Clear symptoms of hysterical testicle syndrome. Some ECT and laudanum will put him to rights.

If you read their more in depth interviews, a lot of the rationale behind the organization is that there’s ample data showing that women, POC, and LGBT politicians have by far the best record of actually getting progressive things done once they are in office. Thus if you are a straight, white, male who actually wants

An example: a “friend” from college, one of those mediocre white boys who got a job he didn’t deserve straight out of college because his daddy owns the company who nevertheless earned everything he’s got, you know the type, literally said the words “black people have more rights than anyone now.” He perceives the

“Couldn’t be nice to women, even to save his own lineage” The bell, it tolls for thee.

I think a solid standing rule for society is not to compare things that aren’t genocide to genocide. It seems simple but it’s apparently really hard for some people.

That is easily my least favorite thing I've seen on my Facebook. And I tragically have trump supporters on the PTA that I have to interact with via Facebook. The idea that personal firearms would have stopped the German army from rounding up the Jews is madness. Entire countries fell to the German military machine.

As emotionally fragile as they are, maybe men just shouldn’t hold elected office anyway.

Really, SUCH fragile little drama queens! Any single little achievement that results in white men having less-than-100% of something, *waah*, it’s always the Holocaust all over again!

What’s wrong with white men using their privilege for just purposes? There’s nothing wrong with diversity initiatives created and managed by POC, nor is there anything wrong with diversity initiatives where white men pressure each other to consider the issue. We need all hands on deck to counter underrepresentation of

My brother and sister-in-law both work full time at very well paying jobs. They have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. They also have a full time live-in nanny who has her own suite (including mini-kitchen) in the house. When my sister-in-law complains about how hard it is to juggle work and kids, I want to strangle her.

I am so sorry for your mom - losing a parent so young is awful. I think that perspective is key. I mean, if changing a diaper is the worst thing you’ve ever dealt with, then you should be fucking grateful.

Don’t a lot upper-class whites (upper-class in general) complain about shit that the rest of us as normal and might actually appreciate? When you have no natural predators...job loss, low income, crime, police killing you, you have healthy food choices, you have life sercurity...you have to find some bullshit to