sims fans might be one of the strangest gaming subcultures i know about.
sims fans might be one of the strangest gaming subcultures i know about.
Wow Claire, this thing really shook you up, didn’t it? I mean, it’s cool if it isn’t worth its salt, but could you have seasoned this review with any more distaste?
Got it. Will buy.
Swear to God, “problematic” is a buzzword that I’ve come to loathe more with each passing day.
For a person born into wealth, he’s so nouveau.
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a tiny hand fast-forwarding a TiVo - forever.”
Is ADD a pre-existing condition. I couldn’t get to the end of this and therefore have no way of telling.
Yep. I’ve had way too many “This is it, it’s all over for Trump now!” moments over the past almost 2 years and until all his shit’s out in boxes on the White House lawn I won’t believe anything will happen to him.
the ocean is fucked up
Part of the problem lies with Tumblr
Wait. Peeling an avocado? What?
First Presidential Library with slot machines in the lobby.
I bet it gets the cover and the centerfold of a Penthouse.
No library for Trump. Just a claustrophobic, gilded-to-the-gills media room with wall-to-wall screens playing the greatest hits of Fox News & Friends on a loop.
if this “ruins vaginas” for you, i got a lifehack for you: you’re gay, son. deal with it.
Speedrunning that points out the ridiculousness of speedrunning is about the last interesting speedrunning left.
I have a tendency to hold on to my beer at all times, a habit probably developed as a irrational/paranoid youth to avoid people (Sebastian Janikowski, Bill Cosby etc.) dropping something foreign in to it. I have started placing my beer in strategic, not hidden, locations. I receive fewer questions about what number…
This x100. In fact, I think the new parents in that letter should go out of their way not to thank them. They need better friends.
Drinking alone is sooooo good. I can go out and be social at the bars with my single friends, but after a while I just start thinking about the “free” beer in my fridge and how I could be drinking it without having to wear pants or listen to people talk.
I don’t even understand what your “male equivalent” is in this situation. Do you typically have penile discharge? Because you should probably see a doctor and have some tests if so.