“I don’t feel like it’s offensive, so why should I care if others feel it’s offensive? They’ve got me all wronngg!”
“I don’t feel like it’s offensive, so why should I care if others feel it’s offensive? They’ve got me all wronngg!”
This is one of the few cases where I don’t doubt that the person who did this was some schmuck kid/young adult who was trying to troll people. You are in Brooklyn and out of all the places to tag your anti-Semitic hate, you tag a children’s playground who happens to be named after one of the Beastie Boys. Also, you…
As a former Barista I find the concept of spitting in someone coffee to be trifling and wrong. It’s a health violation, and possibly assault.
Also you can see the baristas making the drinks. Are people suggesting that baristas will start openly spitting in people’s drinks in response to this? Because that’s insane.
As a former barista - yes, we know people can see us. That’s why we don’t spit. We give people decaf.
Really? I don’t think so. Trump supporters are just *waiting* to have someone do something like that so they can play victim some more. And besides, it takes an especially evil person to spit in someone’s food/drink.
I’m sure you’ll be getting stars for this for the next four years.
The irony here is that you’d think these people would be tickled to death that their lil’ Dictator wannabe won... right? Nope. They’re just as angry as they ever were and still blaming “the liberals” for everything.
Fuck I hate these fans... They are just the worst
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
“Colleges and universities are liberal indoctrination centers!” yell my relatives who barely made it out of high school and have no further education.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Right, I would have gone with a semi-gloss varathane rather than gloss, and not be so liberal on applying it to my face as well.
Anyone surprised by this?? nop. plus you can’t really tell the difference who is talking West or Trump.
How’s the view from that extremely high horse that you’re on, bud?
If Obama’s smart- which he is- he’ll continue to praise Trump just enough to throw the alt right into a state of utter confusion.
Wait, news occurred besides the election in the last few months?! I read and watch A LOT of news from a variety of sources, and heard nothing of all this. Quality journalism all around.
Oh give me a break, I’ve been to tons of awesome Pho places and they all use regular ass Huy Fong brand Sriracha. Yes, everyone must go out and pick their own peppers they grew themselves and grind it or it’s not legit hot sauce.
No. He waited until after the election because he didn’t want to personally influence it. Which is what agencies are supposed to do. DHS already said “We can’t PROVE that Russia hacked the DNC, but we pretty much knows it’s true.” This is the NSA going a step further and saying why they did it.
No. it’s like you stealing a Mercedes, and then when you get caught boycotting the purchase of a Mercedes.