Call me crazy, but acting as if the democrats had the right plan/strategy/candidate but just got screwed by forces out of their control is a terrible terrible strategy that might lead to a second repub term in 2020.
Call me crazy, but acting as if the democrats had the right plan/strategy/candidate but just got screwed by forces out of their control is a terrible terrible strategy that might lead to a second repub term in 2020.
Right, that’s the libertarian platform. Thanks for the clarification
I guess I don’t understand his platform that well, but I thought he took votes more from the Repubs than from Dems?
this is bargaining.
That already happened with the “tea-party” movement. That’s why the traditional Republican establishment can’t control their own members in congress anymore.
Stop with this bullshit, “roll back civil right” were the same idiots that claimed ad nauseum that Obama was blocked at every turn now suddenly the very party that has issues with Trump will suddenly fall in lockstep with his every whim??!
You, dear, are no better than a “redneck”. Calling someone a redneck is derrogatory and classist. What is the message when you say “they ARE rednecks!” You’re saying “they ARE poor, working class, uneducated, simple country folk!” And that makes you an asshole. I don’t doubt that classism like this pushed many rural…
If you thought contress was bad, stagnating everything coming down from Obama’s office, I can’t wait to see how badly Trump’s plans get shut down.
I think the writer meant that white people were tired of being called racists, bigots, red necks, white-privileged, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, misogynistic, etc. and so they came out to vote in retaliation.
Okay seriously? Nobody is taking your right to vote away. Melodrama does you no favors.
Nobody was pulling the lever for Trump because of those things... they were pulling it because they’re hurting economically and felt abandoned by the Democrats, and felt like Clinton was the epitome of that abandonment. Those same people would have been happy to pull the lever for Sanders, who is decidedly against all…
The latter. I’m not saying i necessarily agree with the sentiment, but it seems clear to me that it hit the boiling point. It’s no surprise that white america came out in droves to vote after being painted with such a broad brush. A lot of white people in this country are hurting as well, and instead of reaching out…
Keep telling yourself that and miss the point why you lost the election. This isn’t push back against Obama. It’s a push back against polished, lifetime Washington politicians,
Look at the data so far. Gary Johnson got WAY more votes than Jill Stein. That shows that our country is more conservative than you think.
We (progressives) need to become better conversationalists. We have to convince people instead of “shaming” them or labeling them as “bigots”. Calling someone a bigot does not…
So, the same nation that elected Obama a mere eight years ago is now all of a sudden a bunch of assholes? Nah, your candidate was just shitty enough to lose to a reality TV blowhard (pending a late miracle!). This says much, MUCH more about Clinton than it does about Trump, or this country.
They bear some blame, but maybe people should have listened when the polls showed Bernie running better against Trump than Clinton did.
But she lost a lot of places Obama carried 4 years ago. How many racists do you think there are that would vote for a black man, but not a white woman?
“...Speaks For All of Us”
Thanks for the canned response, it was full of selective information and very deceptive phrasing.
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