So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.
So weird—I heard she’ll be 45 in January.
I’m now leaning towards you being obtuse intentionally as I am fairly certain you understand what I just said and deliberately ignored it in order to shift the topic to one you feel more steady on.
It’s got a terrible name. Like rapeseed or Patagonian toothfish.
There is no actual difference between those who posit poison, and those who believe it sincerely.
ok, the jury has found you: tiresome. Go get some fresh air, pal.
For reference, Tommy Wiseau very sincerely made a terrible movie and later claimed it was a “dark comedy,” much like it seems you’re doing with what honestly seems like a pretty sincere, if knee-jerk and gloriously dumbass comment.
Sure you can simplify my answer to fit your narrative and your defense of this insane behavior. Go right ahead. Or if you want to stop being a troll or a virtual reality social justice warrior and realize this is a fucking GAME, not the real world you could do that too. And let me drop some knowledge on you since you…
Many of the responses were asking what about the new tool that you specifically didn’t like. also just because you play as a female character doesn’t mean you actually comprehend sexual harassment. In fact, your argument is a strawman argument that also tends to completely ignore a form of psychological phenomenon…
Complaining online about being harassed in games is bad, but complaining online about the complaints is good?
They don’t know that, they think that. They don’t recognize why charges of being intolerant don’t stick but charges of racism/sexism do and it’s about more than words. They are the most easily self satisfied people in the world - they think by merely saying the opposition are hypocrites the entire discussion is…
Oh my god dude, we get it. You are tres edgy and so logical. You play as female avatars and so totally understand what the female experience is like.
I dont think being a dude roleplaying as some sexy anime waif in a non-VR environment translates even a little bit to this situation, but even if it did, what if saying…
Your responses aren’t based in logic either, you got irrationally emotional because a game implemented a block function to people who annoy you. But yeah, everyone else is crazy and your the sane one. And you can go back to your personal safespace bubble where people agree with you and tell them how you totally owned…
Wow, you are totally ok with telling everyone on the internet that you don’t understand context and empathy, and how damn creepy you are.
Yep, that’s a really healthy meal and low in calories. So, again, whole avocado and two pieces of toast gets a pass.
It’s sad that assholes like you have no empathy for anyone else.
He wants to draw an equivalency between his potential bad faith grandstanding to ‘show us all who the real sexist is’ and someone literally getting groped in game apropos her being recognized as a woman. Then he wants to diminish any critique of that by trying to invoke a guilt trap that somehow calling him on the…
Comment section, take it away!
“sexual harassment online in VR”
Nah, better to hop onto some gimmicky trend instead, like freezing yourself and drinking diarrhea tea.
Careful. Even bland, straightforward advice that all doctors agree with and generally works for most people will be seen as an attack on some segment of the female population and you will be boiled alive, literally.
Like there’s a mob of people headed for your door right now with a cauldron and 100 gallons of…