Would an inert gas system not work here because of the scale? Or because it’s open to the atmosphere?
Would an inert gas system not work here because of the scale? Or because it’s open to the atmosphere?
5 gallons of foam, or 5 gallons of foam mix?
wth is this
Yep I’ll give you that.
I just wish that we, on the left, weren’t so insistent on trampling his Constitutionally protected 1st Amendment right to express his views via gutting the EPA.
No. It would be “ship to son” or trash.
That sounds fake - why would the mom put the cards up for auction and photograph them like that? Wouldn’t they just be sold as a lot or, more realistically, trashed?
Um, kind of. It sounds like you’re talking about the idea of “fighting words”.
Wait are you suggesting that cops are no more predictable or well behaved than dogs?
Uh... You know how I know you commented on the wrong article?
And, obviously, your tactical battery case.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
This is like... $200 of gear? More?
I would love an answer to this.
That is a wild, wild swing. Also I hope you aren’t comparing a knife-wielding gang and their capacity for violence with a single estranged husband. Different goals, different potential amounts of work.
He would have driven a truck through the halls of the school? What are you saying here?
We should probably arm mall custodians and fast food cashiers and shelf stockers, too. I really don’t see any issue with adding “responsible for administering fatal force” to the list of job responsibilities for people notionally responsible for the wellbeing of the public.
This is a boring argument that tells me you aren’t interested in actually discussing this.
Why are you here?