I’m not crying any tears over the loss of Jay Pharaoh, whom I considered to be very limited at best (Oh, and his Obama was terrible. Ugh.) But if he brought us Leslie Jones, then I have a reason to be grateful to him.
I’m not crying any tears over the loss of Jay Pharaoh, whom I considered to be very limited at best (Oh, and his Obama was terrible. Ugh.) But if he brought us Leslie Jones, then I have a reason to be grateful to him.
New York Times, one of the last remaining real newspapers, puts a climate change denier on its editorial page. I am disappoint.
I think some of them honestly have bought the right-wing propaganda that the Climate Crisis isn’t real. I think the rest are in denial/cannot envision the future properly. There was a really interesting article about this last week, but I don’t remember where, about how people who think the economy is in better…
Noel Fielding is very droll and beloved among the British TV-watching public. I think you’ll enjoy him!
Oooooh, creepy and plausible!
It’s my second-favorite one behind the Katrina one.
Well, I guess it depends on how much money it costs him. $$ seems to be th only language these guys understand.
Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it? Not only are they unfamiliar with how to play the game, they are unwilling to learn. “Stepping to” people who are crazy is never a good strategy.
I’m both voting for #2, an hoping for #2. And, if we actually launch pre-emptive strikes (why do you suppose the U.S. suddenly decided to drop a MOAB in Afghanistan earlier this week) I’m changing to my brown shorts, because a #2 is a distinct possibility....
Shades of Rom Romberts, except I thought I saw his handle around here the other day...
Fear of pigs?
This makes a lot of sense. Sometimes I feel as though we are living in a contemporary version of apartheid, where the Afrikaners stayed in power for so long by playing the various minority group off against each other, and scamming the Indians, Africans, and various other smaller minority groups into battling amongst…
Oho! Thank You!
Oh, I wanted to promote this idea, too, for the national Tax Day March, but no one would get on board for it. Sigh.
And...... let’s not forget that your exact reasoning is the main argument behind the judges’ original decision in Roe vs. Wade. It is the reason we have legal abortion in the country... mostly.... at least for now.
I would like to know this, too.
Oh, the Wag the Dog performance art? It can fuck right off, too. Nobody is fooled, Donnie! We’re still going to pursue your Russian connections....
This, a million times, this! Where are the corporations, the gay men, the religious groups that will agitate for normal human rights for gay people, but not for women? I feel like we are back in the early 1960's anti-war movement, when the head of the SNCC claimed proudly that, “the only position for women in the…
I’m with Janelle!