
Thanks for that, I was wondering what in the world everyone would do with their shirts if they were not allowed to sell them or give them away (i.e. to the Goodwill) and hoping not everyone was a wasteful dick about clothing. Because you know there are rules against throwing those sacred letters into a trashcan and

What do I stock up on? Certain Vitamins/herbals, food, citrus, veggies, lean meat, etc?

You're very welcome, I'm so glad it was helpful! Have you gotten in with a doctor yet?

The googling definitely gave me more shakes than the weaning, too. It's like surfing WebMD when you have a cold and seeing the word CANCER pop up repeatedly, you know it's probably only the sniffles but it could be nasal cancer

They knew the risks.

Most kids don't need to understand electrocution before they are taught not to stick things into outlets. Or the severity of 3rd degree burns before you can teach them not to touch a hot stove. I'm having trouble imagining a parent saying "if you touch that hot stove you will not get cartoons for a week" to a toddler

Or you could tell her that it is where you keep your gun locked up and that guns are for killing and you own that gun for shooting people dead. And that dead people are dead forever. Then you could teach her some actual gun safety in case she ever stumbles across your firearm.

Just riffing here.

Tell me more about these methods. Where exactly can I find more pics of that one hot woman in the picture posted in the article above? You know the one I'm talking about. That white woman with the long hair. The one with boobs.

But he kind of reminds me of Joe Rogan.

Met a guy who was attacked by a mountain lion and couldn't get his rifle between the animal and himself so he threw the gun to a friend who shot the mountain lion and stopped the attack.

Same guy started carrying a revolver instead (he was a rancher in Montana or something and concealed carried it so he wouldn't scare

The vampires in Underworld were kind of hot, I guess.

Micheal Clarke Duncan

Normally I'm not wowed by white male movie stars because they kind of all look the same to me, but I will admit that James Franco and Matthew McConaughey are looking pretty fine on those Esquire covers.

Maybe it depends on the state, but I thought "school property" included parking lots and streets used for campus parking? So guns were not allowed there either?

Oh yes, I've been there. Could have written parts of your post- same pattern of usage, same amount of alcohol, same experience the first time I tried to cut back on my own, and same thing with Googling it for hours and scaring the crap out of myself. What was different was that I didn't have a therapist or husband to