burnthismuthadown deux electric boogaloo

No surprise there. I keep trying to tell y’all, black folk, stay out of rural PA!! I grew up in Philly and know for a fact that the further out of the city you go, the more strange and racist Pennsylvania gets. If it’s not the Amish or Mennonites it’s the racists. I’m talking Aryan Brotherhood, Skinhead and Nationlist

The petty part of me just can’t stand him. I also hate when people use the Puerto Rican defense when way more than half of Peurto Ricans identified themselves as White on the census. Bruno Mars is mediocre in every, and his love of R&B and soul never seems organic. He, like many of the White artists who do the same

I live in NOLA. We knew about these weeks before Mardi Gras - I didn’t get any (I don’t really seek out beads anyway) but a local organization focused on removing Confederate symbols from NOLA was going to receive donations for each string turned in. So that’s nice?

I really love seeing international unity, like this.... when the nations of the world come together in harmony & concord. No, I’m not talking about the fucking Olympics.

How to solve the gun problem:

He really doesn’t get how that makes it look even worse right?

IDK, he was beating Cecily Tyson when they were married. Maybe he was just an angry asshole.

Bill Duke. Game over.

Three words: Courtney. B. Vance.

Robert Parrish?

Are they?

I remember there were some (white) people whose jimmies were rustled by the “confrontational” pose of King’s memorial in DC. To me it makes sense for him to adopt a stern look as not enough has changed since his time.

I think this just boils down to...some people need simple shit to cope. I get tired with some of the other monikers like “hustle”, “hustler”, “boss, “bossy”, “girl boss”, “shero”. Ugh and all the damn t-shirts and instagram memes with quotables. It’s like the fast food of self help. It’s corny and tired but I get it

Seriously, gtfo with that #notallblackmen bs. There are multiple examples of black men idling on the sidelines or, even worse, being flat out entertained when they witness violence against black women.

Fuck that dude for filming and not stopping it

What’s really scary and disheartening are the responses I’ve been seeing from black men on this video. That lady was victimized twice in the video by the manager and the videographer (both black men) and the commenters flippantly saying that her refusal to leave made her assault okay.

I had a friend in college who, at the drop of a hat, would recount that she was descended from one of the kings of Spain. One day, I said to her, “I’m descended from poor German peasants as far back as anyone can remember, and here we are, both attending the same university. Life is strange, isn’t it?!” She never

Thank you! I think the insistence that black men and women embrace the notion of being “kings” and “queens” is just as damaging as the model immigrant narratives. It’s not true. MOST of those kidnapped and sold into slavery were not royal. They were common folk captured in battle and/or deemed expendable and lesser

Plenty of others have clocked the deep similarities between hoteps and the MAGAts.