burnthismuthadown deux electric boogaloo

“I don’t favor violence. If we could bring about recognition and respect of our people by peaceful means, well and good. Everybody would like to reach his objectives peacefully. But I’m also a realist. The only people in this country who are asked to be nonviolent are black people.” Malcom X


Because the publicly stated aim of Nazis is genocide.

Pure gold comment. Also if I can add (former) sheriff David Clarke: “Cuz i hate my own black ass that’s why”

If you think embracing a nazi or your sworn enemy will bring enlightenment or a sense of brotherhood, you are sadly mistaken. And i’m sick of Black people constantly expecting others to love us if we’d only embrace, pray for, or forgive them. Nazis are our enemies, they want to destroy us. How long will it take for us

Why do you hate me?

Funny that I only hear white women saying this?

No she didn’t defend him she apologized to me but her loving and being with him meant she felt this was something she could overlook. His opinion that PoC are lesser was something she could look past. Loneliness is a bitch and I understand them not wanting to be single. But I won’t overlook it or have respect for you

I’m not sure why this is supposed to be true. When you marry someone you are joining forces. The pair is accountable for both halves of the pair. That’s the whole “becoming one”.

“Signed someone whose “woke” white friend’s husband jokingly called me a prairie n****r.”

I’m not going to hold her accountable and she is not an abused woman cowering and covering her husband’s faults. However she is married to that man and has to have heard at least some racist jokes, language. So you’ll understand why some of us have misgivings about her and her response comes across as self righteous.

No, dumbass, lead literally damages developing brains leading to defects which increase aggression and hamper decision making. Read the damn article I linked to.

When a white person brings up “black on black crime” that is code for “I do not like black people and I think that they are deserving of violence because they have brought it on themselves”.

This is the part that burns me up. Discuss Kaep, BLM, anything and the inevitable questions is “Well why isn’t anyone talking about black on black crime?” And a simple Google search can turn up tons of marches and conferences in the black community on this very subject.

People probably assumed that it was Stefan Urquelle and not Steve Urkel that committed those acts of domestic violence.

Wholesome huh? So McCray and White have both had incidents of domestic violence...that’s quite wholesome.

Now playing

What a fresh take, you’ve boldly gone where no one has gone before.

Are we at the point where we can admit that Family Matters was garbage? Or at least that it got progressively more garbage as it focused more and more attention on Urkel’s hijinks, to the point where it almost became a parody of itself?

It’s not like she was a small Season 1 character only, either. To put it another way she was on the show for 40% of the entire run of the show, 50% if you don’t include the last season because... that last season was not great. They put Waldo Faldo on the cover and he was 1) not even part of the family and 2) on for