Where’s Achy Breaky dad to protect his little darlin’?
Where’s Achy Breaky dad to protect his little darlin’?
This show is SO STUPID. And Kate should have married that damn urn, it seems to be what she really wanted.
I clicked into this article because I for sure thought Lil Xan = Lil Tay. I mean...is there much difference?
Best. Movie. Ever.
Must be nice to know by 21 that you’ll never have a real job, thus opening up the possibility of awful face tattoos.
What age is the expiration for having Lil in your stage name? I know for Li’l Sebastian it was 23, but he was a pony.
I’m an organ donor too. Gotta admit, I’m not in love with the idea that my parts might end up being used for some things I don’t personally approve of, but I won’t need them anymore so what the hell.
I got to A-B this. My mom’s family went the other way, and no one is on speaking terms.
fuuuck ok now i gotta go watch that again
The article also ended with this part that Jezebel conveniently left out...
Jezebel should be embarrassed by this click-bait garbage.
I can’t stand these poor rich people. Heaven fucking forbid you sell your multi-million dollar house for something just a little more manageable, which would still be unattainable for the rest of us. If you can’t pay your service people, how are you paying your utility bill?
So unlike him.
Title: Seth Rogen put a presumably white child actor in blackface, presumably for “comedy”.
I like her, but she seems too sensible for that show. They will have to script some crazy drama to get her to fit in.
If you have “less than 10 million” to your name you can pay the people that tend your fucking lawn and clean your pool. This is just another Charlie Sheen is an asshole story. Same shit.
1. Fuck you.
how do you murder a person and receive a sentence of only 15 years and then only serve 12!??? our justice system needs all kinds of reform.