
My brother is a single parent of two girls, 8 and 7. His ex and his in-laws had the kids for 1 week in the summer. When they came home, he said they were reading labels for calorie content. They wrote him an email about the 7 year old and her weight. She is tall and solid, not fat at all. She eats healthy when she’s

We had a long talk about how fat wasn’t something you are, but rather just something that everyone has. Some people have more and some people have less. And I tried to talk to her about how she is strong and athletic and how her body does exactly what it’s supposed to.

“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”

This is one of those stories where I feel like I definitely need more information before I inevitably judge the shit out of one or both of the parties involved.

Twigs is way too awesome for Robert Pattinson. I don’t really know if anyone is cool enough for her, but it’s not him.

Widow here too. Hang in there. I worried about this too before I met my new boyfriend, but what helps is that he’s incredibly supportive. I know there’s a lady out there who will be supportive of you during your process. Grief sucks. 

Future generations will look at how we handle issues of loneliness the way we look at the idea of bleeding to treat fevers.

This makes total sense. Considering our society tells men that all emotions are stupid, “gay,” and weak, about the only time they even feel things like vulnerability or openness might be post orgasm with a trusted partner.

Why do you expect random women on the Internet to take care of your “sexual anxiety and body issues”?

Back when I was waiting tables, everybody from a local group home for mentally disabled adults would come in every once in a while for dinner. It was about 10 people, and they’re a lot of work because they all have a lot of questions and take a lot of time to order what they want. Which is normally not a big deal, but

I haven’t had sex since my wife died. Not sure if I will, but every now and then I think about it and I fear this very thing.

We’re all so frigging lonely. 

Perfect gif considering Dominic Cooper cheated on Amanda Seyfried with LiLo (also bc it’s from Mean Girls). I hate how much I know about celeb goss.

I’m more interested in a reality show about people like me: single, broke, 30 somethings who spend their whole weekend lamenting that they have no friends with which to do anything with while simultaneously avoiding the people who call/text to ask if they want to do something.

“Why would someone who was fat-shamed to the point of considering suicide make a show that’s pro-fat-shaming?”

It all smacks a bit of “money isn’t everything” said by a rich person. She might not have intended for the show to be pro-fat shaming but that doesn’t mean she didn’t internalize those lessons growing up ultimately reflecting that in her work. Everything I’ve seen so far about the show suggests is smacks of a fat

Aside from whether it’s good or not, you can make an over the top satirical statement about fat shaming without using the trope of “fat girl loses weight, is deemed hot and is now important enough to be heard.”

It’s like the NRA always says, the only thing that can stop a bad shark with a gun is a good Instagram model with a gun 

This grade inflation is ruining our youth’s expectations.

Can’t we just call them what they are - Instagram users, not models. It like how everyone is a porn star without there ever being a porn actress.