
I agree with your points, but you mean "role." I kept picturing a convoluted debate over who should get the last dinner roll.

But really, other than a pretty face, what’s there ever been to like? She’s repeatedly and remorselessly taken roles from marginalized groups, endorsed a company occupying the West Bank, defended Woody Allen, and supported Marchesa in the wake of Me Too. That last one wouldn’t bother me so much on its own, but it

Mila Jovovich should be mad.

But she’s a terrible actress. 

Only if we discover that Richael Mappaport has a fatal strain of Dolezal Syndrome and he dies from it halfway through and then Jarlet leaves Hollywood to become a detective dedicated to solving the murders of trans women and men. And she’s also British for some reason.

I have a number of issues with Scar Jo playing this character. One is with the fact cisgender actors often play transgendered characters and the other is with the fact the trans man Scar Jo is playing was fat in real life. It feels doubly insulting to cast a cisgender, thin actress in this part.

Anybody want to help me write a script for Lysette, where she can play Jarlet Scohanssen? A well meaning actress who helps her friend, a homophobic shite bigot called Richael Mappaport, come to terms with his chronic Dolzeal Syndrome?

Also Warren’s debunked claims”(paragraph 2).

You refer to her American Indian heritage claim as “incorrect” (paragraph 2) and ”false” (paragraph 3), yet the whole point is that nobody really knows.

Right? And the argument might hold up if we didn’t see Jared Leto, a white dude, continue to get work despite his on set antics.  But there it is. Seems an awful lot like “shut up and toe the line, unless you’re a white dude, and then do whatever you want.”

Mo’Nique - made fair and reasonable demands but is not an easy person to like.

Univision massively fucked up GMG (websites sharing the same beat (e.g. They have A.V. Club but still also have generalist TV/Movie coverage on both Jez and io9 which is stupid), pointless acquisitions, refusing to specialise sites) so to “balance the books” decided to sack 30% of the staff. Instead, according to the

If you can ignore all BS from both sides, this debate does raise an interesting question:

How do you pick sides when both people are just so annoying? As much as Monique has annoyed me these past few months, it just still doesn’t compare to the bullshit aura that comes off of Lee. I feel like Monique is annoying but honest. Lee is annoying and full of it. I give up. Everybody sucks.

This has always figured into my lottery win fantasies. How to engineer the best way to never have to leave my property and interact with live people ever again.

No. I love Canada. I’d move there tomorrow if they’d let me.

The thought of “All Star” blaring over the credits of The Blair Witch Project has me laughing so hard I’m nearly crying. Oh man, I can’t breathe. Don’t know why that’s so funny.

This is what Eat,Pray, Loved tried to be. LOVE this film.

There is no chance that Harry is a Trump or Brexit supporter. If anything, it was Meghan’s dad misinterpreting Harry following the family line of not making statements about politics.

Friend, you can do better.