“The Curious Case of the Clattering Drawer”
“The Curious Case of the Clattering Drawer”
Three words on the smell:
I love how absolutely SHATTERED some people are by this comment. Whew lawd.
He named his kid Gideon. Enough said...
He became super chill but he had a pretty long dark period. I think that’s one of the problems with judging people from a particular period in their life and holding them to it forever. His SNL and early post SNL years he was a very different person than he is today. Harris is a mixed bag, he really works to elevate…
Not to mention, it’s possible that someone can be kind and altruistic and also self-involved and forgetful. We’re all in such a rush to decide someone is all good or all bad based on a few stories.
*whispers* his Hedwig is not good but it’s the only one my Amazon Echo can find
I don’t know if you’re being serious or joking - but my elementary school bully is currently doing life for repeated child molestation. So maybe it’s a broken clock is right twice a day situation? Or the people we are as kids impacts who we are as adults.
This is incredibly admirable; I only know him from royally screwing over the Corcoran agents who found, showed and negotiated his townhouse purchase. People can be both good and bad, or a jerk 99% of the time but a great person when it counts, or when they can get a lot of social currency for it.
I don’t understand why he became so “loveable” several years ago anyway. He played a misogynistic asshole on a middling TV show - HIMYM was pretty good when it was airing but rewatching it is horrible - and he had a few roles in some cult-favorite movies. He is talented, but he is not all that.
It’s not just people who went to school with him, it’s people who work in the theatre industry as well in NYC. But if you want to love him by all means I ain’t stoppin’ ya.
There was a six month period of my life where about 85-90% of my emails started with “per my previous email” and I wanted to kill everyone I came in contact with. It took everything in my body not to just say, “I told you this would happen you fucking idiots.” or “Pay attention. I don’t write this shit for my health.”
Real talk, Neil is a fucking asshole. I know folks who went to elementary school with him and they said even then before Doogie Howser he was a fucking spoiled brat. Nice to know he’s consistent.
Oh my god. Her response really is absolutely perfect.
We don’t get a lot of big swoopy movies these days. Bring it on, say I.
I’m here for this, if only because it’s a 10-year age difference instead of a 25-year one.
I didn’t really care about this and am not into Bradley Cooper (every time I see him I’m like... him?), but I just watched the trailer and I am here for his two and a half hour Matthew McConnaughey impression.
Gaga looks beautiful. I cannot wait to hear the music. This movie will probably not be that great, but I’m going to love every second of it.
There’s something emotionally manipulative about this but also it’s totally having the intended effect, so yes, I will definitely watch this.
I’ve never seen any of the other versions (bad gay), but I feel like I just became more homosexual having watched that trailer.