
american in canada. i say eh now.

genuinely curious: what do your parents see in him?

if Bobby goes, I go.

when did Dunham not pay her employees?

yah I won’t listen to Malala until she's @ least 30

pig's a pig's a pig. that's why we're electing women now.

he should refuse to fulfill anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, et al., bc God is the only happy potion anyone needs

This—among the many things—enrages me.

do they also *live in a world where* it’s impossible to speak above a whisper?

...wha she do?

thanks! it wasn’t in my autocorrect so i felt it was a gamble 

tbh it makes me sadder he was sober for the experience

recovered addicts treat sobriety (often) the way the fundamentalists treat God, as a cudgel (I'm spelling this wrong but I like the sound)

legit: I thought NPDs love bombed, not BPD. BPD’s #1 fear is being abandoned. They don’t discard. They smother (which is a NPD #1 fear). Thus, the attachment cycle.

can we be real tho? a reg candy bar looks king sized to that tiny, tiny human pop star...

woof bad take

“Hunger” F + TM’s lead single, non? And before that, there was a soft-drop of “A Sky Full of Song.” This is piggybacking on “Hunger”’s debut. I like that one better than this guy.

hm—I’m invested enough to care, but not invested enough to do the thorough Googling it would entail. If you’d be so generous, are there specific instances of her being ‘dramatic’ that make you hesitate? I’m asking sincerely. The damage seems to be done to Hardwick’s career already, but I like keeping the light on for

here’s why this story has caught on: This is the American Dream.

theory: they’re a baby bobcat