
oh it’s bc, maybe you didn’t hear, she’s a woman. smh @ trolls

i think they just wanted to have sex fourteen times


this gives me such hope

Nothing matters save your health, including your health of spirit. Nothing. I’m sorry for the friendship heartbreak but try to hold onto that—no matter what falls down or doesn’t get done—nothing matters but this.

Depression is not terminal. Also, we don’t have all the facts. Case in point: Robin Williams’ suicide had confounding variables, including an undiagnosed neurological disorder which increased his suicidal ideation. Try to remember there are at least a million variables we’re not aware of, including circumstances that,

I would also read this situation by taking a step back and going (or at least I needed to do this): I equate money/fame with personal stability. And this is an untruth.

...but also BPDS and Narcissists are attracted like north and south magnetic poles, so.

a little OT but maybe there’s hope in the fact Gaga couldn’t make Nebraska happen with her umlaut song

hello. i related so hard to this. you’re stunning, btw.

i didn’t know concern trolling could be so racist? well done.

HA what a pleasantly insensitive reply to someone with CANCER

jesus i’m in Canada right now get me out it is white hell

omg what a fucking way to humble brag / fully brag about your life, well done!!

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 1,000x yes

THANK YOU we’re talking about nukes as if they’re the same thing as other hazards the TSA would check for. Depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation even—fine! BPD: know what you’re getting into, first.

hey you’re stating facts + you clearly state “there’s nothing wrong with that”

yah because BPD people can ruin. fucking. lives.

lol lucky lucky to everyone who got an ‘extremely loving and supportive partner’ during their depression journey. some of us got no one. and some of us got punished for being depressed by our loved ones.

I think letting them live is taking it easy on them.