
she checked Selma Hayek I’m pretty sure at a Hollywood Reporter roundtable thing—that was impressive to me as an older youth. Selma was trying to say that her experience and Jessica’s black experience were the exact same struggle... Jessica didn’t let it slide.

yeah. also—hey—1 thing we’ve agreed as a society is that MURDER IS A CRIME. FULL STOP. NO IFS, ANDS, OR EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE BUTS.

“Guys like this” = psychopaths, no?

missed that—what she check?

but who reads?

territorial war vs. war of ideals? is that a fair breakdown in tone?

wasn’t it too that WWI had more ‘professional soldiers’ vs. patriots fighting on behalf of nationalist pride/agenda? like, a lot of mercenaries who had quitting times in the trenches... i saw a doc about a truce day where soldiers from opposing armies had a party/banquet one cold evening because it was an agreed day

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed teen girls can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

hey, i’m with you. i saw the NAKED HARRY POTTER Equis and i was all judgy at a clan of girls who entered, took their seats, squawking loudly about, “WILL WE BE ABLE TO SEE IT FROM HERE?”

if you’re working for them, does that not indicate they’re your superiors and should make more?


yah she doesn’t drink coffee/caffeine or alcohol or has sugar...

From Behind the Bush, the Sean Spicer Story

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close — amazing book, didn’t bother to see the movie adaptation (I don’t know how it could be adapted? apparently they didn’t succeed).

This (sadly) isn’t like the movie perfection that is Groundhog Day because that movie was about how the whole point of life is learning how to love. This—I doubt will end with any sort of moral, or lesson learned. Let alone love.

ah i see: she applied reality TV ethics to a real business = lawsuitsxforever

yah i’m a fairly pro-Gaga person and that shit was fucked. up. she simulates sex while rolling around on the floor naked, has R. Kelly operate on her naked, unconscious body—she’s not an idiot and i have no clue what she was up to.

(at a loss) when did we ever start loving rules more than life? (rhetorical)

and I hear you! But bigger question: wtf is going on at Jezebel? is my main concern. ETA: Post-Emma

the ghost of Kara! thanks for posting this. I ascribe to tarot/intuitive work, nice to see an intelligent person approach it with genuine curiosity. I love your writing and wish you all the best in the future! Get that bank.