correct jeopardy answer to: “Why did I already move to Canada?”
correct jeopardy answer to: “Why did I already move to Canada?”
I’m an OSU alum. No, they can’t.
Go on, very interested (not /s)
i had my breakdown first. do i get to be famous now?
Sorry, to boot—I read most of her Changing My Mind essays and loved those.
This is me!!!! This happened to me!!! 10 years too late—same thing with JFS, where I read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close at the *exact right moment* (21) and then can never look at it again.
also was this teach4america?
this is the opposite of that hilary swank movie
yeah but this chica was young
this is like when i romanticize waitressing
this is good! if you build the cafes, they will comeeee
I moved to Canada for this program!! Yay!!
but then who will be left to tweet that 2017 is the worst?
Yeah! Agreed! But that would involve planning parenthood and where can you even do that?
*fact-check (bc I want this to ring true): Hillary was Secretary for 4 years, Obama’s first term, before Kerry came in. I think she was resting up for what some part of her knew would be this: long, awful, arduous, draining, no-win, swan song to America.
oh shit! Cincy!
wtf, is that it? do these people hear “pro-choice” and hear a referendum on their children?
I ask sincerely: Do you know why? I can’t—I can’t see it.