
what? she was *raised* by a monster. she has been brainwashed and rewarded for it. yeah, she should prob go to South America and live on a farm for the rest of her life, but i don’t blame her for being born into that mind-fuck.

y r u here?

ty! i figured there would be some deadline for the bureaucratic beast to shut out an edit

i’m in Vancouver!! canadian/pot leaf city!

omg well-put! my original feelings were with the OP, as I understand those first. my best friend worked as a DV advocate for 5 years and i lived with her—she would tell me stories, but to see her face every day after getting home—it’s unbelievable the trauma she witnessed and the slim justice she fought for everyday.

explains the life-long daughter boner

your writing style makes me feel i’m in a head shop

I blame Jez for everything.

idk some of being a kid is being bothered, right? idk when it got set that a kids should feel great all the time. kids feel like shit when the best things are happening for them: dentists, shots, school (debatable, but u kno), life changes. i’m not a parent (obv) i just feel sympathy stress-pangs for all the parents

...I’m never find love and/or procreation, so can somebody explain sleep training? I’m pro-attachment parenting, what I’ve read. Thanks, Broken4ReasonsOtherThanSleep

mighty oscar bait

I’d say yes, it’s a lovely, well-written show that is powered by heart... which, I really can’t give you a present-day example of the same. It’s completely rooted in character, and hilarious, and sweet, and sad vs. ironic back-and-forth banter coming out of millennial stereotypes.

Report from the field: I’m in Vancouver and went to the pop-up Luke’s at 10 A.M. The line was two-hours long. So my adult friend and I peaced out, not before taking a pic of the only “Luke’s” bit of the PR event: A suction-cupped Luke’s sign.

so inappropriately and with too much need? #hardpass

meh he suicided; there was an introvert somewhere in there

You write in complete sentences. It’s a safe bet.

well said! culture has really conflated ‘identity’ with craft

lol as if publishing a book is a guarantee of attention

You could do this. Humans can do this. From my point of view, top researches - outside of paranormal intelligence at the very top - were given the tools, resources, motivation (from good or ill), and dint of will to focus. This is what focusing gets you.

Science does not “love”. Please see: Religion.