
and fuck all men who won’t treat me as a prize :/


also: isn’t it just bragging? straight up?

SHE HAS LYME DISEASE, OKAY? OKAY? How can BOTH be true? #truth #vs #lymes

yeah. yeah. i’m glad at least for the fact Gigi is a proud and loud #burgergirl now.

the loneliest boy in all the world

the decor style is what i call “SIMS endless simoleon cheat code” chic

yah same request for same reasons

yah--is this just a fun pop-read? a la DaVinci Code?

Is the book well-written? Psychological thrillers aren’t usually my thing, but curious.

i honestly just do it to say i stretched once during the day*

Yes! My favorite Jez! Inspo-Jez! The video of Anne Basting is so touching and is a prime example of what this grant does: validate extraordinary work that otherwise wouldn’t be validated. The money is good, but even better is: Yes, your passion is important. <3

Yeah--that’s my point of view too. Gaga has an intention behind everything she does. This is clearly a choice, not a deficit.

It’s srsly redundant.

lol what is your idea of proper counselling? “SOL, life is grim, your loss is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things”

**Here just to say professionally trained psychologists can sometimes do worse damage than a person who is inviting you to connect with your intuition about prolonged grief**

Yeah I’m part of the problem (I came here, too). I just hate now--the first thing I read in these articles is, “You’re here and we posted this because this is horrifying. Full stop.”

the Brits and Time Passing have a hard relationship

Along Came Polly

i needed this fear-inspired joke, thank you