
Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Wine comes in a bottle?

You know what else got started on a Thursday? A terrible NFL tradition.

So...they made an Assassin’s Creed game.

can you imagine if the word “penetrate” was used?

Gronk: “What’s wrong with it?”

Can we move on from the pats and deflating already?

Anyone bother to follow up with Rick Small about this? Seems like a solid starting point.

I wonder if money was their only GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL?

You know we are truly fucked when Paul Finebaum is the voice of reason.

I think this might be the first time I have ever agreed with Paul Finebaum.

Can somebody who watches MLS tell me if Michael Bradley looks past it there, or is this only a USMNT thing? He was invisible, and has been invisible for a little while now.


Any team that goes 0-16 should lose their first round pick. Soccer does few things right but punishing terrible organizations is one of them.

“Gizmodo has reached out to Thiel for comment. This post will be updated if and when he responds.”

Consumers: We want more fuel efficient cars.
Industry: Here’s a 50 mpg CRX.
Consumers: AWESOME.
Government: That’s not safe. Make it heavier.
Industry: These new cars are safe, but not very efficient.
Government: Unacceptable. Make them more efficient.
Physics: Psht. Heh.
Industry: These are safe and efficient, but not in

Also premature: 3-1

I don’t understand your point, Easter Eggs are totally edible

Jesus Christ, one of drew’s thumbs are as big as trumps whole hand.

Drew just opened himself up to a slew of hate concerning his physical appearance from Trump and his supporters.