
As someone who doesn’t have but a Tesla but is interested in one, I don’t see it as relevant at all. None of the minor stuff mentioned in the article is even a factor in my wanting that car. The actual reasoning for many people is far above a small chance of faulty door handles, locks or latches.

I work abroad. I’ve hired half a dozen Harvard Law grads for summer internships. Incidentally, I’ve had half a dozen terrible summers.

The part of this attack (which is missed in the article) that was staggering was the bandwidth leveraged (reportedly 600-800 GBps, one party claiming responsibility bragged they have the ability to do 1 TBps+). Now that botnets are relatively cheap to rent, crippling DDoS attacks like this are really not that hard to

If “FULL TIME” is here, I wonder what they pasted into the Chyron Operator job listing I assume they were working on.

they are a team with a great quarterback

“No it’s in dog years. His age only goes up every 7 years.” - An idiot named Ryan

This game is Figure 1 in ‘Why more and more people don’t give a fuck about the NFL’. Ugh. Absolutely no redeeming value to that one.

Best. Soccer game. Ever.

Blair Walsh is masturbating to this game right now, filled with self-loathing.

No matter how this game ends, never forget Pete Carroll is a 9/11 truther piece of shit. Fuck that guy.

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

why don’t some of the employees that won millions help chip in?

He should retire once he hits 69 TDs. Go out on top, or bottom depending on his preference.

Well that display of intellectual athleticism just put him in the top 30% of his class at Arizona.

He’s the six million dollar bro. We made him bigger, stronger, faster, but we couldn’t get him to stop laughing at the number 69.

Ed will be receiving the 1X buyout.

guess everyone is getting that 1.5x buyout

highjack insecure internet of things devices 

If the IPv4 and IPv6 DNS is being serviced from different servers it is possible for the IPv4 to be under attack and the IPV6 not to be.