
jesus christ just smoke weed

The media is just like people (they’re almost human, strange fact).

I agree.. The media sensationalizes things that are not normal. If an electric car catches fire, it’s front page news. If 200 gasoline cars catch fire on that exact same day, nobody cares. Yet, it creates the illusion in the news that electric car fires are more common. The same issue is happening with the

The current autopilot is already substantially safer than human drivers, so Tesla’s already saving people not killing people. As they continue to improve and refine the system they will just increase the safety factor which will increase the number of people saved.

It’s still got to be fewer than it took for shit like airbags, rollover protection and safety glass to be perfected. Sure, in the 21st century people demand statistical perfection from any new tech, but even if 20 people die before this kind of software becomes fully developed, it’ll be nothing compared with the

Hm... how many thousands of cars sold and in private hands with only one fatality? I’d say it’s probably safer than a full week of eating fast food.

Autopilot as a standard feature on such an affordable car is pretty incredible. I’m hoping that for the sake of us enthusiast that it drives as well as the model s when the human is in control. It’s a fantastic looking car and if it is fun to drive I would seriously consider purchasing one.

The black squirrel stole the show.

“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”


Your move detroit

Oh, look, another video whose main joke is “Why did the Empire leave the Death Star’s exhaust port open?!” Haven’t seen a bajillion of those already. And besides, even if there weren’t so annoyingly many of them, the joke is STILL not funny - do you guys even know what the purpose of an exhaust port is?! A “team of

How drunk did you have to get Marchman to get him to agree to this?

The bank wants you to live, so you can make you next car payment.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Nate Silver, ftw.

You just wrote that post on a Note 7 you refuse to part with, didn’t you?

He probably would have donated more, but his wife spent all their cash on Tumblr?

Better than Jizz Moto.