
Maybe they were waiting to see if it caught fire properly.

“Hey, where’s the most appropriate place to post this now that we don’t have a news site?”.

Dude goes out to kite-surf a hurricane, with a kite-surfer that’s made for hurricanes. Dude gets massive air while kite-surfing the hurricane, lands it.

I expected something to go “horribly wrong” but instead my thought was “dude might be dumb but that looks fucking awesome.”

Some facts for those that are unaware of kitesurfing stuff:

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

This is Deadspin 101

I absolutely love when people don’t read the article, and the comment they make is literally mentioned in the first sentence. Well done. +1

Jesus Christ, people! What do we have to fucking do to get you to like us? We’re already cheaper than Verizon. What more do you want? You want my shirt? Take my shirt! Fuck it, I’ll send you to fucking Mars! Mars!

I’m sure Buzzfeed’s database is just a copy of some other database that’s already been leaked.

It means you lost 9-3 to the Rams so sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

Jesus, how hard is it to get someone up on a scissor lift and fix that thing.....

You short $TSLA bro?

Is there anything technological stopping an enterprising student from giving/selling their school’s wireless login info to a journalist?

I, personally, only take issue with Hofstra apparently seeking to keep people from using their own data connections and hotspots; forcing them to pay. That is not only wrong, according to the FCC it is illegal. Otherwise, while it is still ludicrous price gouging, it is Hofstra’s prerogative to charge what they want

Hofstra has over 10k students. Add faculty, supports staff, researchers, etc to that, and the IT department they run HAS to be enormous. This is a money grab because the heavy lifting has already been done. Including having plenty of fiber going into the campus.

Any university the size of Hofstra already has incredible amounts of bandwidth to supply the day to day use of their thousands of students, faculty, and researchers. This is a money grab, pure and simple.

My car can drive forever on a single tank... as long as it’s connected to a gas pump.

I wanted to get mad at the headline, but it’s technically true!