
Goddamn master stroke. I was wondering who would pull this stunt first. You are a badass for this.

This is fucking fabulous. I have never loved Deadspin more.

This is seriously awesome. You’re carrying on the Gawker Media tradition of doing smart, challenging, in your face work. Keep it up.

Correction: Gizmodo originally reported that Deadspin’s posts about Mitch Williams concerned his behavior at baseball games sponsored by Little League Baseball. In fact, the tournaments were sponsored by Ripken Baseball. Gizmodo regrets the error.

I didn’t have fun, and because of that no one can.

My mind is boggled at the comments I’m reading down here. Everything from “he’s an asshole,” to “he doesn’t care about his kids safety.”

What. The. Fuck. Are you people serious?!

1. The kids seem to be having fun. Hell, I’d love to try this challenge. I dunno any kid that wouldn’t find this amusing.

2. The dad seems to

Attn Trent Dilfer:

The only acceptable answer for a white man in this situation is as follows:

“Regardless of my own take on this situation, I am in no place to give my opinion, as I have not had to deal with racial prejudice at all during my lifetime. I am thankful to live in a country where a tasteful demonstration of

Gizmodo has reached out to Downstate Medical Center, where the boy was taken to treat his burns and Samsung and will update if we hear back.

You know, I’ve never really identified with the feeling of “being offended” because I’m a fairly apathetic chap with decent amount of entitlement, but honestly, imagining myself overhearing those teens is the closest I think I’ve felt to true offense. I don’t know how I would’ve reacted if I was there.

Can we rename his Hail Mary’s to Hail Magarys please?

If you listen closely, you could hear Drew Magary smash furniture from miles away.

Hi, you must be new here. Welcome! You’ll learn your way around soon, but let me offer a piece of advice: nobody cares about (1) your fantasy football team, nor (2) the details of your reality football team’s roster construction. We just like goofy and/or awesome sporting spectacles.


Unfortunately, kinja does not have the functionality to embed your fiance’s resume into a comment.

Its amazing how well a QB can play when the defense isn’t continually making contact to his head with the crown of their helmets.

Yeah I feel like everyone is trying to turn this into an embarrassing situation of some sort for Space X. This is space travel we’re talking about here. Even though we’ve gotten better at it, there’s always significant risks but what’s important is learning from the accidents and not repeating them twice.

Once again Patrick you buried the lead. Panthers are the best undefeated team in the NFL right now.

I think this says more about the school you attended than anything else.

Trainer: What’s your name?

70 percent of the batteries in these phones. 70 percent. Samsung, should be destroyed by this. Absolutely destroyed.